防爆變頻調速箱適用范圍Application | | - 1區、2區危場所。
- IIA、IIB類爆竹性氣體環境.
- Can be used in Zone 1Zone 2one 2 dangerous places.
- Can be used in IIA,IIB group explosive atmosphere. ]
型號含義Model implication  |  | 產品特點 Features | | - CBQ59電動機變頻調速箱可通過改變其輸出頻率來調節普通三相異步電動機的轉速,達到生產工藝的要求
或實現節電的目的,節電率可達30%-60%,也可作為電動機軟件起控制器,也可通過傳感器,變送器等控制電路組成 閉環調速系統.安裝操作簡單,起動平衡無沖擊電流軟起動,電源容量大大降低,功率因數恒定,同時具備故障顯示 等各種功能. 1、過電流保護、短路保護,過電壓保護、欠電壓保護,瞬時停電保護和斷斷相保護. 2、可數字顯示頻率,轉速以及負載率或電流等. 3、防爆變頻調速箱可手動調節頻率 .可設定轉速按時間變化的工藝曲線.也可由DCS系統給出信號來控制其頻率. 本產品調速變頻器為進口元件.柜內還裝有電流表、電壓表、自動空氣開關、指示燈、 交流接觸器、工頻變頻轉換開關及起動、停止按鈕等.可根據不同用戶的工藝要求設計,選擇器件及配制各種 適當的操作方法. 4、鋼管或電纜布線. 5、符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求. CBQ59 govemor is mainly used to adjust the speed of 3-phase asynchroneous motor by converting output frequency,so as to meet with production requirements or save electrical energy up to30%-60% Also it can be used as soft starting controller of motor,furthermore it can be combined with sensor, sransforming device.Etc,to form speed adjusting system of closed loop.Features;ease to install and operate,start in balance without shock currentsoft starting,decrease suppliced power,constant power factor,fault indication. The main components of governor is chip mircroprocessor,with following protections and performances; 1 Protection of over current,short-circuit,over voltage,under voltage,instantaneous de- energizationphase-failure. 2 Digital or pointer indication of frequency,rotary speed,load rate andcurrent. 3 Manuually adjusting frequency is available,able to set the characteristic curve in accordance with rotary speed accompanied by time passing,the frequency is able to be controlled as well by DCS system’s requirement,components or operating mode can be freely chosen as possible. 4 Suitable for steelpipecable wiring. 5 Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. | | 主要技術參數 Main technical parameters | | 產品型號Type | 電機功率kwMotor power | 輸入電壓(V)Input voltage | 電源線電流(A)Line current of power supply | 變頻器zui大瞬時電流(A)Max.instantaneous current | 防爆標志Ex-mark | 防護等級Protection grade | 引入裝置規格G" Inlet’s pecification | 電纜外徑ΦmmCable’s outerdiameter | CBQ59-4 | 4 | 380 | 16 | 9.5 | Exd IIB T4 | IP54 | 1 | 12-19 | CBQ59-7.5 | 7.5 | 25 | 16 | CBQ59-11 | 11 | 36 | 22 | CBQ59-15 | 15 | 45 | 30 | 1 1/2 | 18-26 | CBQ59-22 | 22 | 60 | 44 | CBQ59-30 | 30 | 79 | 60 | 2 | 26-34 | CBQ59-37 | 37 | 94 | 72 | CBQ59-45 | 45 | 112 | 85 | 系統圖 System drawing |  | | | 防爆變頻調速箱外形及安裝尺寸 Outlingeinstalling dimension | | | | |