適用范圍 Application | 1區、2區危險場所。 ⅡA,ⅡB類爆炸性氣體環境。 可配裝白熾燈、汞燈、高壓鈉燈、金鹵燈。 Can be used in Zone 1Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere. Suitable for incandescent lamp,metal halide lamp. |  | 型號含義 Model implication |  | 產品特點 Features | 鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑 Diecasted aluminium shell with 壓鑄成型,結構緊湊,外形美觀。 Pressure-casted formation,compact structure 采用碟型活節螺栓緊固,能快速開啟,便于維修。 aesthetic appearance. 鋼管布線。 Suspension type thumb nut is used for fastening 符合GB3836-2000.IEC60079標準要求. so that it can be quickly Suitable for steelpipe. Suitable for GB3836-200,IEC60079 standard request. | 主要技術參數 Main technical parameters | 防爆標志 防護等級 電纜外徑¢,mm 進線口螺紋G" 燈座代號 質量kg Ex-mark Protection Cable""s outside Inlet""s thread Lamp socket Mass grade diameter 3/4 Exd Ⅱ Bt4 Ip54 10~14 3/4 E27 1.8 | 配用光源 Supplied with light source | 光源類型 白熾燈 金鹵燈 Lamp type Incandesent lamp Metal halide lamp 額定電壓V Rated voltage 220V/50Hz 額定功率 60、100 70 Rated power | 外形及安裝舉例 Outlinemounting example |  | 吊桿式g Pendant 吸頂式x Ceiling |  | 吸頂式x Ceiling 壁式安裝30度b1Bracket30C 壁式安裝90度b2Bracket90C |  | 吊桿式gPendant 壁式安裝90度b1 Bracket30C 壁式安裝90度b2Bracket90C | | |