適用范圍 Application | ■ 1區、2區危險場所。 ■ⅡA、ⅡB、IIC類爆炸性氣體環境。 ■ 可實現照明,動力配電,也可實現多路降壓起動 配并可實現計量和監測控制. ■ 注:要求IIC類時請注明. ◆ Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. ◆ Can be used in IIA、IIB、IIC group explosive atmosphere. ◆ Able to be used for illuminating,power disstributing,multi-circuit voltage-rduced starting,also for meter-controlling and inspect- controlling. ◆ Notice: Please note if need IIC group. | 防爆標志 額定電壓 支路電流 主回路電流 Ex-mark Rated voltage(V) Branch current(A) Main circuit's current(A) Exde II Bt4 *Exde II Ct4 220 380 ≤ 400 ≤630 | 型號含義 Model impication | |  |  | 產品特點 Featrues | ■外殼采用優質鋼板焊接成型,內裝各種防爆電器, ■ The enclosure is welded by high-quality steel plates.Inside will be 可按 照用 戶提供的電器原理圖及主要技術參數定配 installed explosion-proof electrical appliances which can be reatively 電柜的 外形尺寸并選用相應的防爆電器,可根據要求 selected according to be installed in flush plate.Directly operating 制作成面 板上直接操作或開門后操作等形式。 or operating after opening is possible. 常見方案舉例 : Examples: (一)、多路動力(照明)配電 ◆A . Multi-circuit power(illumination)distribution box Through 通過將多個防爆斷路器或動力(照明)配電 benig made up of several explosion-proof breakers or power (illumi 箱及數個防爆 接線箱組合,可在電壓380V,電流630A nation)distribution boxes and a few explosion-proof junction boxes,the 的三相 交流50Hz配電系統中實現動力,照明配電設 distribution box can bransform, distribute and control ower and energy of 備的電能轉換分配及控制。 380V 630V,50Hz.eletromagnet-system. (二)、多路電磁起動配電 ◆ B . Multi-circuit electromagnet-starting distribution box 通過將多個防爆電磁起動器或電磁起動箱 Through being made up of several explosion-proof electromagnetic starters 和防爆斷路器、操作柱和防爆接線箱等組合,可在 or electromagnetic staring boxes,explosion-proof CB,operating post and 電壓380V的三相交50Hz配電系統中實現動力配送 explosion-proof juncitonbox,the contribution cn transmit ower and centrally 及電動機的集中控制,并可根據要求加裝信號、 control the motors of 380V,50Hz eletrical system,The branch current canreach 電壓表,電流表等監控裝置。 up to 160A to user'srequirement wo as to be controlled remoy.And the (三)、多路降壓起動配電 signal lamp.Voltmeter,ammeter,etc can be added as required. 將防爆降壓起動箱置于防護柜中, ◆C,Multi-circuit voltage-reduced starting distribution box 實現對交流50Hz、電壓為380V,電路中容量為95KW Explosion-proof voltage-reduce starter is put in the box to unfrequently start 及以下的三相籠型電動機的不頻繁降壓起動,具有短 the motors of 50Hz, 380V,95kW and below-3phase squirra-case.lt has the 路、缺相、過流堵轉等保護功能,可用手動、自動 protections of short-circuit,phase-failure,overcurrent and motor-block.Beng 和遠控等多種方式來控制。 controlled mannually,automatically or remoy is availabe. (五)、混合型 ◆ D.Meter-controlling,inspect-controlling Through inner explosion 根據用戶要求,將相應的防爆電器組合, -proof meter of auxiliary instrument,theparameter,pressure,temperaturd of 從而滿足用戶現場的需要,配電柜的常見外形尺寸。 circuit can be mesaured and inspectde. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求 ◆ E.Compexity type Combine appropriate appropriate applicanes to user's require ment to meet the demands on site.anel's dimension is freely determined as required. ● 2.Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. | 配電柜典型外形尺寸 Classic outline dimension |  | (一) (二) ?。ㄈ?nbsp; |  | (四) ?。ㄎ澹?/td> |  |  |  | 一回路 二回路 三回路 四回路 一回路 二回路 三回路 四回路 動力配電柜 Power distibution tank 電磁配動配電柜 Electromaginet-starting distribution tank |  | 一回路 二回路 三回路 四回路 五回路 六回路 動力配電柜 Power distibution tank | | |