通信電纜 網絡設備 無線通信 云計算|大數據 顯示設備 存儲設備 網絡輔助設備 信號傳輸處理 多媒體設備 廣播系統 智慧城市管理系統 其它智慧基建產品
借助可升級的模塊化 Beckhoff 產品,在考慮到計算能力、復雜性及成本預算等方面的前提下為客戶量身打造解決方案。與傳統的控制系統相比,它們能夠*地提升金屬板材加工機械的生產效率和靈活性。Beckhoff 基于 PC 的控制技術將諸如控制、調整、運動控制及 HMI 等所有工藝集成到一臺 PC 上,在各種沖壓、切割、折彎及焊接系統應用中得到廣泛運用,具有*的競爭優勢。PC 技術具有較高的處理器能力,無需使用硬件。例如,液壓閥的位置和壓力控制器可以用軟件來代替。PC 能夠毫不費力地處理為復雜的控制運算,為其它功能(如測量任務)提供附加的處理能力。因此,不再需要那些編程靈活度有限的復雜、昂貴的控制器和硬 PLC。
通過 EtherCAT 實現高性能
鋼板加工工藝必須具有快速、高精度及重復性好等特點。與傳統的現場總線技術相比,這些針對 EtherCAT 快速實時工業自動化以太網技術的理想條件可縮短更新和響應時間至少 10 倍。在 PC 控制器中,除了標準的以太網端口之外,EtherCAT 無需任何插卡。傳統的現場總線系統,例如 PROFIBUS 或 CANopen 可通過網關輕松集成到 EtherCAT I/O 系統中。簡單、可靠的連接技術可顯著減少布線時間,從而節約成本。EtherCAT 與以太網*兼容,可大限度地利用以太網帶寬,具有出色的實時特性。EtherCAT 現場總線系統中固有的冗余增加了斷線情況下的安全性。
電壓 24V
輸出類型: 4-20MA
C9900-K608 | Industrial PC | connecting cable RJ45, CAT 5, 30 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xx |
C9900-K609 | Industrial PC | connecting cable RJ45, CAT 5, 40 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xx |
C9900-K610 | Industrial PC | connecting cable RJ45, CAT 5, 50 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xx |
C9900-S701 | Industrial PC | TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CE |
C9900-S702 | Industrial PC | TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CE |
C9900-S705 | Industrial PC | TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CE |
C9900-S322 | Industrial PC | Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (XP), German |
C9900-S323 | Industrial PC | Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (XP), English |
CP7709-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, without keys |
CP7709-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, without keys, touch screen |
CP7719-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, function keys |
CP7719-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, function keys, touch screen |
CP7729-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, numeric keyboard |
CP7729-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, numeric keyboard, touch screen |
CP7701-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys |
CP7701-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, touch screen |
CP7701-0020-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front |
CP7701-0021-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen |
CP7711-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys |
CP7711-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screen |
CP7721-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard |
CP7721-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen |
CP7721-0002-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch pad |
CP7731-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard |
CP7731-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen |
CP7731-0002-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad |
CP7702-0000-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys |
CP7702-0001-0020 | Industrial PC | Panel PC CP77xx-xxxx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, touch screen |
智慧城市網 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?