當前位置:武漢艾美捷科技有限公司>>生化試劑>> AAT-21140AAT鈣離子指示探針Cal-520,鉀鹽
Spectinomycin HCl pentahydrate
Cal-520 provides a robust homogeneous fluorescence-based assay tool for detecting intracellular calcium mobilization。 Cal-520 AM is a new fluorogenic calcium-sensitive dye with a significantly improved signal to noise ratio and intracellular retention compared to the existing green calcium indicators (such as Fluo-3 AM and Fluo-4 AM)。 Cells expressing a GPCR or calcium channel of interest that signals through calcium can be preloaded with Cal-520 AM which can cross cell membrane。 Once inside the cell, the lipophilic blocking groups of Cal 520 AM are cleaved by esterases, resulting in a negatively charged fluorescent dye that stays inside cells。 Its fluorescence is greatly enhanced upon binding to calcium。 When cells stimulated with agonists, the receptor signals the release of intracellular calcium, which significantly increase the fluorescence of Cal-520。 The characteristics of its long wavelength, high sensitivity, and >100 times fluorescence enhancement, make Cal-520 AM an ideal indicator for the measurement of cellular calcium。 The high S/N ratio and better intracellular retention make the Cal-520 calcium assay a robust tool for evaluating GPCR and calcium channel targets as well as for screening their agonists and antagonists。 Cal-520 sodium or potassium salt is the hydrolyzed salt of Cal-520 AM in cells。 It selectively binds to calcium ion, and has the fluorescence that is strongly dependent on calcium concentration。
鈣離子指示探針Cal-520, 鉀鹽產品的光譜學相關參數為Ex(nm)=492/ Em(nm)514;其對應分子量大小為921。08。
提供的鈣離子指示探針Cal-520, 鉀鹽產品為固體形式,我們建議將其溶解到DMSO溶液中使用或保存。
對于鈣離子指示探針Cal-520, 鉀鹽產品,我們推薦使用常溫進行運輸。在您收到貨物后,我們建議在低于-15℃溫度下冷凍保存,要求儲存環境干燥并避免光照。產品有效期為12個月。
美國AAT Bioquest Inc。(前身是ABD Bioquest,Inc。)是一家為從事生命科學研究、診斷研發及藥物開發的科學家研發、生產和銷售生物分析研究試劑和試劑盒的公司。公司致力于光譜學檢測領域,包括顯色、熒光和生物發光技術。AAT Bioquest的產品幫助的科學家和生物醫藥研究者更好的了解生物化學,免疫學,細胞生物學和分子生物學等領域。作為AAT Bioquest Inc。的中國區域代理,艾美捷科技為中國客戶提供光譜學檢測技術并應用于生化、生理代謝和細胞分析領域的產品,包括顯色,熒光和發光技術等全系列解決方案。