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品牌:RETZ/我們一直致力于流體控制和測控領域的持續創新,始于2005……、進口旋進旋渦流量計 文丘里流量計 產品用途 Product use
1.在入口側安放一組螺旋型導流葉片,當流體進入流量傳感器時,導流葉片迫使流體產生劇烈的旋渦流。當流體進入擴散段時,旋渦流受到回流的作用,開始作二次旋轉,形成陀螺式的渦流進動現象 A set of spiral guide vanes is placed on the inlet side. When the fluid enters the flow sensor, the guide vanes force the fluid to generate a violent vortex flow. When the fluid enters the diffusion section, the vortex flow is subjected to the effect of reflux and begins to undergo secondary rotation, forming a gyroscopic vortex precession phenomenon
2.進動頻率與流量大小成正比,不受流體物理性質和密度的影響,檢測元件測得流體二次旋轉進動頻率就能在較寬的流量范圍內獲得良好的線性度 RETZ The precession frequency is proportional to the flow rate, and is not affected by the physical properties and density of the fluid. The detection element can measure the secondary rotational precession frequency of the fluid to obtain good linearity over a wide flow rate range
3.信號經前置放大器放大、濾波、整形轉換為與流速成正比的脈沖信號,然后再與溫度、壓力等檢測信號一起被送往微處理器進行積算處理,最后在液晶顯示屏上顯示出測量結果(瞬時流量、累積流量及溫度、壓力數據)The signal is amplified, filtered, and transformed into a pulse signal proportional to the flow rate by a preamplifier, and then sent together with jpgtemperature, pressure, and other detection signals to the microprocessor for integration processing. Finally, the measurement results (instantaneous flow, cumulative flow, and temperature, pressure data) are displayed on the LCD screen
進口旋進旋渦流量計 文丘里流量計主要特點 Main features
1.采用16位電腦芯片,集成度高,體積小,性能好,整機功能強 Using 16 bit computer chips, high integration, small size, good performance, and strong overall functionality
2.智能型流量計集流量探頭、微處理器、壓力、溫度傳感器于一體,采取內置式組合,使結構更加緊湊,可直接測量流體的流量、壓力和溫度,并自動實時跟蹤補償和壓縮因子修正 The intelligent flowmeter integrates flow probes, microprocessors, pressure, and temperature sensors, and adopts a built-in combination to make the structure more compact. It can directly measure the flow, pressure, and temperature of fluids, and automatically track and compensate for compression factors in real time
3.采用漢字點陣顯示屏,顯示位數多,讀數直觀方便,可直接顯示工作狀態下的體積流量、標準狀態下的體積流量、總量,以及介質壓力、溫度等參數 Chinese character dot matrix display screen is adopted, with multiple display digits and intuitive and convenient reading. It can directly display the volumetric flow rate under working state, volumetric flow rate under standard state, total amount, and parameters such as medium pressure and temperature
4.顯示儀可輸出頻率脈沖、4~20mA模擬信號,并具有RS485接口,可直接與微機聯網,傳輸距離可達1.2km The display can output frequency pulses, 4 to 20mA analog signals, and has an RS485 interface. It can be directly connected to a microcomputer, with a transmission distance of up to 1.2km
5.流量計表頭可360度旋轉,安裝使用簡單方便 The flowmeter head can rotate 360 degrees, making installation and use simple and convenient
進口旋進旋渦流量計 文丘里流量計技術參數 Technical parameter
執行標準 | GB3836.1-2000\GB3836.2-2000 |
檢定規程 速度式流量計(JJG198-1994) | |
精度等級 | 1.5級/1.0級 |
耐壓等級 鋁體(1.6MPa)≤DN150(6.3MPa);不銹鋼(4.0MPa)>DN150(4.0MPa); | |
儀表材質 | 表體:304不銹鋼或鑄鋁;葉輪:優質鋁合金;轉換器:鑄鋁 |
使用條件 環境溫度:-30℃~+65℃;相對濕度:5%~95%;介質溫度:-20℃~+80℃;大氣壓力:86kPa~106kPa | |
防護等級 | IP65 |
工作電源 24V+電池 | |
整機功耗 | 外電源:<2W;內電源:平均功耗1mW,可連續使用兩年以上。 |
實時記錄 日記錄、月記錄、定時間間隔記錄 | |
防爆等級 | Exd II CT4 |
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