品牌:RETZ/我們一直致力于流體控制和測控領域的持續創新,始于2005……進口微小流量金屬管浮子流量計產品用途 Product use
微小型金屬管浮子流量計遠傳部分采用了無接觸無磁滯檢測磁場角度變化的磁測傳感器、并配以高性能MCU,兩線制 進口微小流量金屬管浮子流量計2.jpg4~20mA遠傳輸出,可通過上位機軟件對流量計進行線性校正等參數設置。該型智能信號變送器具有很高的精度和可靠性,可以取代進口同類型儀表retz The remote transmission part of the micro metal tube float flowmeter adopts the internationally advanced non-contact and non magnetic hysteresis magnetic sensor to detect changes in magnetic field angle, and is equipped with a high-performance MCU. The two-wire system has a 4-20mA remote transmission output. Parameters such as linear correction of the flowmeter can be set through upper computer software. This type of intelligent signal transmitter has high accuracy and reliability, and can completely replace imported instruments of the same type.
Widely used in various industries in complex and harsh environments, for flow measurement and process control of small flows, low flow rates, and various harsh media conditions, it is particularly suitable for measuring turbid, opaque, or corrosive fluids, targeting different user needs and different occasions
進口微小流量金屬管浮子流量計主要特點 Main features
采用全金屬結構,具有體積小、壓損小、量程比大(10:1)Adopt all-metal structure, with small volume, small pressure loss, and large range ratio (10:1)
有多種測量形式供用戶可選;按輸出形式分有就地指示型、遠傳輸出型 There are various measurement forms for users to choose from; According to the output form, there are local indication type and remote output type
按防爆要求分類,又可分為普通型、本質安全型兩種 Classified according to explosion-proof requirements, it can also be divided into two types: ordinary type and intrinsically safe type
進口微小流量金屬管浮子流量計技術參數 Technical parameter
測量范圍 | 介質溫度: -40℃~150℃ |
水 :20℃ 6L/h-100L/h | 環境溫度: -25℃~65℃ |
空氣:20℃ 101325pa 50L/h-3400L/h | 連接尺寸:1/4NPT內螺紋或卡套連接φ8配管(φ6) |
范圍度: 10:1或5:1 | 材質:基座:不銹鋼 |
準確度:4%Fs | 指示器外殼:鑄鋁、注塑 |
非常大壓力:2.5Mpa(根據需要可增加) | 錐體浮子:不銹鋼 |