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品牌:RETZ/我們一直致力于流體控制和測控領域的持續創新,始于2005……進口鋰電池供電電磁流量計原理及用途Principle and purpose
1.電池供電電磁流量計由傳感器和轉換器兩部分構成。它是基于法拉第電磁感應定律工作的,用來測量電導率大于5μS/cm導電液體的體積流量,是一種測量導電介質體積流量的感應式儀表。除可測量一般導電液體的體積流量外,還可用于測量強酸強堿等強腐蝕液體和泥漿、礦漿、紙漿等均勻的液固兩相懸浮液體的體積流量retz The battery powered electromagnetic flowmeter consists of a sensor and a converter. It is based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction and is used to measure electrical conductivity greater than 5 μ The volume flow rate of S/cm conductive liquid is an inductive instrument for measuring the volume flow rate of conductive media. In addition to measuring the volume flow rate of general conductive liquids, it can also be used to measure the volume flow rate of strong corrosive liquids such as strong acids and alkalis, and homogeneous liquid-solid two-phase suspension liquids such as mud, pulp, and pulp
2.基本原理(如圖所示)基于法拉第電磁感應定律:E=K*B*D*V,其中E是感應電動勢;K是儀表常數;B是磁感應強度;D是測量管直徑;V是平均流速 The basic principle (as shown in the figure) is based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction: E=K * B * D * V, where E is the induced electromotive force; K is the meter constant; B is the magnetic induction strength; D is the diameter of the measuring tube; V is the average flow rate
(1)只能測量導電介質 Only conductive media can be measured
電導率限制條件6≥1-5uS/cm(水>20uS/cm)(低電導率>0.05uS/cm使用專用儀表) Conductivity limit condition 6 ≥ 1-5uS/cm (water>20uS/cm) (low conductivity>0.05uS/cm using dedicated instruments)原理及用途.jpg
不能測量非導電介質,如氣體,油類,如介質含有大量氣體,產生測量嚴重波動 Unable to measure non-conductive media such as gases and oils, such as media containing a large amount of gas, resulting in severe fluctuations in measurement
(2)必須存在磁場 Magnetic field must be present
勵磁電流流經測量管上下勵磁線圈產生磁場。勵磁線圈斷路,流量計不工作,勵磁電流穩定性直接影響儀表測量 The excitation current flows through the upper and lower excitation coils of the measuring tube to generate a magnetic field. The excitation coil is open circuit, the flowmeter does not work, and the stability of the excitation current directly affects the instrument measurement
測量管必須為非導磁材料,保證磁場穿過導管(測量管應采用不銹鋼材質) The measuring tube must be made of non magnetic conductive material to ensure that the magnetic field passes through the tube (the measuring tube should be made of stainless steel)
(3)實際測量值為流體流速 The actual measured value is the fluid flow rate
電磁流量計實際測量介質的流速(它是速度式流量計) Electromagnetic flowmeter actually measures the flow rate of the medium (it is a velocity type flowmeter)
進口鋰電池供電電磁流量計技術參數 Technical parameter
公稱通徑(mm) | 管道式:DN10~DN3000 | |
插入式:DN200~DN3000 | ||
流動方向: | 正,反,凈流量 | |
量程比: | 150:1 | |
重復性誤差: | 測量值的±0.1% | |
精度等級: | 管道式:0.5級,1.0級 | |
被測介質溫度: | 普通橡膠襯里:-20~+60℃ | |
高溫橡膠襯里:-20~+90℃ | ||
聚四氟乙稀襯里:-30~+100℃ | ||
高溫型四氟襯里:-20~+180℃ | ||
額定工作壓力: | DN6-DN80:≤1.6MPa | |
DN100-DN250:≤1.0MPa | ||
DN300-DN1200:≤0.6MPa | ||
流速范圍: | 0.1-15m/s | |
電導率范圍: | 被測流體電導率≥5μs/cm | |
電流輸出: | 負載電阻 | 0~10mA:0~1.5kΩ |
4~20mA:0~750 kΩ | ||
數字頻率輸出: | 輸出頻率上限可在1~5000HZ內設定帶光電隔離的晶體管集電極開路雙向輸出。外接電源≤35V導通時集電極*大電流為250mA | |
供電電源: | AC220V、DC24V或3.6V電池 | |
要求直管段長度 | 上游≥5DN,下游≥2DN | |
連接方式: | 流量計與配管之間均采用法蘭連接,法蘭連接尺寸應符合GB11988的規定 | |
防爆等級: | mdIIBT4 | |
防護等級: | IP65,特殊訂制*高可達IP68 | |
環境溫度: | -25~+60℃ | |
相對溫度: | 5%~95% | |
消耗總功率: | 小于20W |
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