TO-92半導體放電管產品參數: Notes: ●All measurements are made at an ambient temperature of 25°C. IPP applies to -40°C through +85°C temperature range. ●IPP is a repetitive surge rating and is guaranteed for the life of the product. ●Listed SIDACtors are bi-directional. All electrical parameters & surge ratings apply to forward and reverse polarities. ●VDRM is measured at IDRM. ●VS is measured at 100V/µs. ●Special voltage (VS & VDRM) and holding current (IH) requirements are available upon reques。 ●Off-state capacitance is measured at 1MHz with a 2 volt bias and is a typical value for “EA” and “EB” product. “EC” capacitance is approximately 2x the listed value.