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PLANET IAD-200 ADSL 2/2+ VoIP Router and IAD-200W 802.11g Wireless ADSL 2/2+ VoIP Router provide ISP or residential home users with the ideal solution to sharing a high-speed ADSL 2/2+ broadband Internet connection on a 54Mbps wireless network (IAD-200W) and a 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet backbone, and also with the capability of making calls through Internet. They can support downstream transmission rate up to 24Mbps and upstream transmission rate up to 3.5Mbps. These products support PPPoA (RFC 2364 - PPP over ATM Adaptation Layer 5), RFC 1483 encapsulation over ATM (bridged or routed), PPP over Ethernet (RFC 2516), and IPoA (RFC1577) to establish a connection with ISP.

Via the user-friendly management interface, the IAD-200/200W can be managed by workstations running standard web browsers. Furthermore, both of them provide DHCP server support, virtual server, DMZ support, VPN PPTP/IPSec pass-through, and URL filtering capability.

The IAD-200/200W also serves as an Internet firewall to protect your network from being accessed by outside users. It not only provides the natural firewall function (Network Address Translation, NAT), but also provides rich firewall features to secure a user's network. All incoming data packets are monitored and filtered. Besides, the FXS interface and SIP (RFC3261) protocol offer the capability of makinga call in a cost-effective way, either through Internet or local phone system.
Internet Connection with Firewall / Wireless / VoIP:

The Planet IAD-200 / 200W is providing Internet access to all your LAN / WLAN users via the built-in ADSL 2/2+ modem. Incorporating a VoIP Gateway, it allows you to make phone calls over the Internet, providing great cost savings for long distance or oversea calls.

Internet Access Features
    Shared Internet Access: All users on the LAN or Wireless LAN can access the Internet through the IAD-200/200W using only a single external IP Address. The local (invalid) IP Addresses are hidden from external sources. This process is called NAT (Network Address Translation).
    Built-in ADSL 2/2+ Modem: The IAD-200/200W provides ADSL 2/2+ modem, and supports all common ADSL connections.
    IPoA, PPPoE, PPPoA, Direct Connection Support: Various WAN connections are supported by IAD-200/200W.
    Auto-detection of Internet Connection Method: In most situations, the IAD-200/200W can test your ADSL and Internet connection to determine the connection method used by your ISP.
    Fixed or Dynamic IP Address: On the Internet (WAN port) connection, the IAD-200/200W supports both Dynamic IP Address (IP Address is allocated on connection) and Fixed IP Address.

Advanced Internet Functions
    Application Level Gateways (ALGs): Applications which use non-standard connections or port numbers are normally blocked by the Firewall. The ability to define and allow such applications is provided, to enable such applications to be used normally.
    Special Applications: This feature, also called Port Triggering, allows you to use Internet applications which normally do not function when used behind a firewall.
    Virtual Servers: This feature allows Internet users to access Internet servers on your LAN. The required setup is quick and easy.
    URL Filter: Use the URL Filter to block access to undesirable Web sites by LAN users.
    Logs: Define what data is recorded in the Logs, and optionally send log data to a Syslog Server. Log data can also be ed to you.
    Access Control: Allows administrators to restrict the Internet Access available to PCs on your LAN.
    Firewall: As well as the built-in firewall to protect your LAN, you can define Firewall Rules to determine which incoming and outgoing traffic should be permitted.
    Universal Plug and Play (UPnP): UPnP allows automatic discovery and configuration of the Broadband Router. UPnP is supported by Windows ME, XP, or later.
    Dynamic DNS Support: DDNS, when used with the Virtual Servers feature, allows users to connect to Servers on your LAN using a Domain Name, even if you have a dynamic IP address which changes every time you connect.
    VPN Pass-through Support: PCs with VPN (Virtual Private Networking) software using PPTP, L2TP, and IPSec are transparently supported - no configuration is required.
    Network Address Translation (NAT) / Network Address Port Translation (NAPT): Allows multi-users to access outside resources such as the Internet simultaneously with one IP address/one Internet access account.
    RIP1/2 Routing: It supports RIP1/2 routing protocol for routing capability.
    Web-based Management: It supports web based GUI for configuration and management.
    Firmware Upgradeable: Device can be upgraded to the latest firmware through the WEB based GUI.
    support: It supports T.38 and G.711 standards.
    QoS: It builds Quality of Service in the device for excellent voice quality.

Wireless Features (model IAD-200W only)
    Standards Compliant: The IAD-200W complies with the IEEE802.11g (DSSS) specifications for Wireless LANs. Maximum of 54Mbps are supported.Supports both 802.11b and 802.11g Wireless Stations: The 802.11g standard provides for backward compatibility with the 802.11b standard, so both 802.11b and 802.11g Wireless stations can be used simultaneously.
    WEP support: Support for WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is included. Key sizes of 64 Bit and 128 Bit are supported.
    WPA-PSK support: Key sizes of 256 Bit TKIP encryption are supported.
    Wireless MAC Access Control: The Wireless Access Control feature can check the MAC address (hardware address) of Wireless stations to ensure that only trusted Wireless Stations can access your LAN.

LAN Features
    DHCP Server Support: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides a dynamic IP address to PCs and other devices upon request. The IAD-200/200W can act as a DHCP Server for devices on your local LAN and WLAN.

VoIP Features
    SIP 2.0 Support: IAD-200/200W is with SIP2.0 support for the compatibility of most popular VoIP telephone server provider and SIP proxy gateway.
    Most SIP Proxy Server support: IAD-200/200W compatible with known popular Internet SIP Proxy provider like FWD and Infonex.
    FXS and PSTN interface: IAD-200/200W supports one FXS interface that can direct wire to any analog telephone for direct Internet Call through the Internet Telephony Service Provider. The PSTN interface also makes the local phone call directly, or call relay.
描述802.11g Wireless ADSL 2/2+ VoIP Router
國際標準Multi-Mode code support
ANSI T1.413 Issue 2
ITU-T G.994.1 (G.hs) rev. 3
ITU-T G.992.1(G.dmt)
- Annex A (ADSL over POTS for A model)
- Annex B (ADSL over ISDN for B model)
ITU-T G.992.2(G.lite)
ITU-T G.992.3 Annex A ADSL2
ITU-T G.992.3 Annex A DELT
ITU-T G992.3 Annex L READSL2
ITU-T G.992.5 Annex A ADSL2+
協議RFC 2364 - PPP over ATM (LLC/VCMUX)
RFC 2516 - PPP over Ethernet (LLC/VCMUX)
RFC 1577 - Classic IP over ATM (LLC/VCMUX)
RFC 1483 - Bridged IP over ATM (LLC/VCMUX)
RFC 1483 - Routed IP over ATM (LLC/VCMUX)
支持AAL 和 ATM Integrated ATM AAL5 support, UBR, 1 PVC, OAM F4/F5 loopback 255 VPI plus 65535 VCI address range
端口LAN - 1 (10Base-T/100Base-TX, Auto-Negotiation, Auto MDI/MDI-X) Wireless - 1 x 802.11g wireless access point, antenna detachable WAN - 1 (RJ-11, ADSL 2/2+) Voice - 2 (RJ-11, FXS, PSTN)
10/100 LNK/ACT for LAN port
按鈕1 for reset/factory reset
1 for power on/off
無線標準IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g WLAN,
頻率2.4 to 2.4835GHz (Industrial Scientific Medical Band )
信道Maximum 14 Channels, depending on regulatory authorities
數據傳輸速率Up to 54 Mbps
WEP 64-bit, 128-bit
WPA-PSK 256-bit
輸出功率14dBm (11g typical); 18dBm (11b typical)
接收器靈敏度-80dBm Min.
安全Native NAT firewall, Enhanced policy-based+ SPI firewall, URL Filter, Access Control, Blocking log, Virtual Server, DMZ
VoIP SIP 2.0 (RFC3261)
PSTN life line support
Caller ID,
Caller name,
Dial plan,
Voice Activity Detection, CNG
Echo Cancellation, DTMF relay
Voice codec: G.711, G.729ab
Call Waiting, 3-way conference call
管理Web browser management
尺寸 (W x D x H)198 x 131 x 36 mm
電源15V DC, 1A
功率消耗Maximum 15W, 51 BTU
溫度Operating: 0~40 degrees C
Storage: -10~70 degrees C
濕度5~95% (non-condensing)


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