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COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid分析儀站
For decades now, Binder has been supplying leading plant manufacturers with innovative systems for industrial gas flow measurement. In the last few years, the demand for reliable, precise and cost-effective measuring systems for biogas, sewage gas and landfill gas has increased significantly. Since the composition of these gases changes over time, the linking of flow measurement and gas analysis brings great advantages:
l Always providing the most precise quantity measurement, even in changing conditions
l 始終提供精確的數量測量,即使是在不斷變化的條件下
l Cost advantages by avoiding the doubling up of components
l 成本優勢,避免組件的使用數量翻倍
l Attractive additional functions by linking the data from both systems.
l 有吸引力的附加功能,通過連接兩個系統中的數據。
Modern agricultural anaerobic digestion plants cannot meet commercial and environmental
requirements without appropriate measuring and analysis technique. For the economical
operation of the fermentation plant it is likewise necessary to consider the gas composition and
quantity of the individual digester stages to control feeding cycles load-depending. Beside this
analysis is often used for monitoring and control of desulphurization stages in front of the CHP′s.
In biome thane upgrade plants analysis is used to monitor and control each single stage of process.
While the gas composition (except during on and driving off phase) in liquid fermentation plants changes usually only very slowly between feeding cycles, the gas flow is subject to certain short term fluctuations, as they are caused for example by the agitator or different humidity content under variations in temperature. Therefore it is appropriate that at each digester a thermal mass flow meter is installed firmly and connected with the Analyzer station GA-s hybrid. Gas flow will be corrected automatically by changing gas composition. In dry bed (e.g. solid waste) fermentation stages the measuring cycle must be if necessary adapted. Here not only the gas flow but also the gas composition changes substantially more strongly. The methane concentration can from 15 to70 Vol.-% vary. A combination of the measurement of volume with the gas analysis is inevitable, if the values are to exhibit an acceptable accuracy.
度在15到70 Vol.-%之間變化。如果這些數值呈現出可接受的準確度,那么體積測量和氣體
In sewage treatment plants analysis is used to monitor digester gas quality and control of H2S-
filter in front of the CHP, to reduce the wear and increase maintenance cycles. Often the manufacturer of the CHP stations limit their warranty if the gas quality is not monitored sufficiently well.
In landfills analyzer are often used (mainly portable instruments) for long-time monitoring of
single dwells and/or monitoring of gas quality in collector pipes. Because gas quality becomes
worse with the age of the landfills, the gas from dwells (poor gas) is mixed with other methaneous gases (good gas), coming from e.g. anaerobic digestion of green cuttings or composting plants to meet minimum requirements on methane concentration in the mixed gas. Also in this application gas analysis can monitor the quality of gas mixes.
In landfill application often the gas quality of the collector pipe in front of the CHP is monitored
using an analyzer station, gas quality of single dwells is measured with portable instruments. The
portable analyzer COMBIMASS® GA-m can be taken out from the cabinet and used for some
portable measurements. Flow measurement is on-going, compensation is done with factors of last analysis cycle.
在填埋場應用中,通常利用分析站來監測CHP前方收集管的氣體質量,利用便攜式儀器來測量單井中的氣體質量。便攜式分析儀 COMBIMASS® GA-m可從機柜中取出,用于某些便攜式測量。流量測量是持續性的,利用近分析周期的因數進行補償。
The analyzer station COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid can integrate all types of portable analyzer
instruments of the COMBIMASS® GA-m/ GA-e series in combination with gas modules of the GA-s hybrid series. So COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid analyzer system can even operate as a ?2-in-1-
solution“. A cheaper alternative could be the analyzer type GA-e, which cannot be used for
portable measurements (but with same advantages regarding service and maintenance) because
it doesn′t contain a battery and a pump.
COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid分析儀站與氣體混合系統氣體模塊組合使用,可集成COMBIMASS® GA-m/ GA-e系列的許多便攜式分析儀器。因此,COMBIMASS® GA-s混合分析系統甚至可作為2合1的解決方案來運行。比較廉價的替代方案是GA-e分析儀,不能用于便攜式測量(但具有保養和維護方面的優點),這是因為它沒有安裝電池和氣泵 。
Alternatively or additionally several single gas modules of the hybrid series, mounted on DIN-rails ,can be used which cannot be fitted into a GA-m. This improves the flexibility regarding gases ,analysis technologies and operation ranges. Gas circles can be built up parallel, so various gas streams can be analyzed at the same time and continuously. Beside typical IR-technology and electrochemical sensors even paramagnetic and heat conductivity sensors can be used too.
So a stationary analysis of oxygen for process control and safety (with a second parallel gas
module incl. plausibility checks) becomes possible by using a paramagnetic cell as well as high
hydrogen concentrations up to 30 Vol.-% can be analyzed by using a heat conductivity technology.
因此,對氧氣過程控制和安全性的穩定分析(利用次級平行氣體模塊,包括真實性檢查)可以通過使用順磁測量池,并且通過采用熱傳導技術來分析高達30 Vol.-%的氫濃度來實現。
The pump and solenoid valves inside the cabinet enable a quasi-stationary analysis from different gas sampling points. If one sampling point is used only, also a stationary analysis with one set of gas modules is possible. Data and alarms can be stored internally or transferred to the main PLC using various standard interfaces. Further optional telecommunication modules can realize an external access to the data or can be used for functional tests and/ or maintenance diagnosis. An “ a life "-signals can be sent via GSM/GPRS to a host server as an option. An uninterruptable power supply unit can keep analysis running and send out an alarm signal, even if normal power supply is interrupted.
Pressure and temperature of the inner cabinet and the gas streams are monitored. Additional
modules for continuous control of operation and plausibility check can be supplied to increase
The gas cells and modules can be recalibrated in the cabinet. So long-time accuracy of analysis is kept at a high level. Beside manual calibration mode also an auto-calibration mode is available. A hardware key or a software version with password functionality can be used to lock configuration settings.
Gas analysis stations require a high technical expenditure, which settles in the long run also in the purchase price and in maintenance costs, to achieve long-term accuracy and reliability. An auto- calibration function with a precise span gas will keep accuracy at best level. If several instruments (portable and stationary) must be bought, the total costs for investment and maintenance become high, but also measuring errors can rise up.
If an analyzer station must be sent for maintenance to the manufacturer (to keep travel costs
low), the operator has no process data available in the meantime. When a portable GA-m is used
in the COMBIMASS® hybrid station, a spare analyzer can be sent for the time of service/ repair.
The operator can put spare gas modules (2nd set) easily into the analyzer cabinet, the used
modules can be refurbished at Binder. All service work related to the cabinet can be done by
experienced and trained operating staff.
The simplest system consists of the basic analyzer cabinet, a gas cooler and one COMBIMASS®
Click! module only to detect CH4 of one sampling point continuously.
簡易系統由基本的分析儀柜、氣體冷卻器和COMBIMASS® Click!模塊組成,該模塊用于連續檢測一個采樣點的CH4。
· Automatic analysis of up to 7 gas components with various operation ranges, using different
technologies: IR, electrochemical, paramagnetic, heat conductivity, in time cycles or continuously (with an additional gas cooler), compensated for gas pressure and temperature
學、順磁性、導熱性、時間周期或連續性(帶有附加氣體冷卻器),用于氣體的壓力 和
· Analyzer station with automatic sampling of two gas streams (No. can be expanded)
· High-performance PLC with a 4.3" colored touch panel display (standard) or a big 7" graphic
display with history and further graphic functions (option)
· Cabinet material: plastic or high-grade stainless steel, for indoor/ outdoor installation, with/
without heating/ cooling, monitored for ambient temperature and pressure
· Combination of a portable analyzer with single gas modules mounted on DIN-rails,
compensated for gas temperature and pressure
· Strong biogas pump, filter for easy replacement
· Plausibility check of gas parameter )(option)
· Implementation of thermal dispersion gas flow meter (with integrated humidity correction for
the measurement of dry biogas flow in m3/h at standard conditions according to DIN 1343, if
the gas is water damp-saturated based on gas temperature - option)
熱擴散氣體流量計的使用(如果氣體根據溫度是水濕飽和-選項,則根據 DIN1343 對標準
條件下的干沼氣流量測量進行積分濕度校正,單位為 m3/h)
· Implementation of humidity probes for calculation of dry gas flow as an option (if the biogas is
Not water damp-saturated - option)
· Automatic correction of gas flow based on actual gas composition (option)
· A test gas bottle can be connected to the cabinet with manual recalibration of gas cells and
modules (standard) or auto-calibration function (option) for a stable long-time accuracy of gas
· Methaneous gases from biogas fermentation plants (liquid as well as solid waste fermentation,
· Sewage gas from digester at wastewater treatment plants
· Landfill gas
GA-s hybrid分析站技術數據
· Analyzer cabinet for wall mounting:
· 壁裝式分析儀柜:
400x400x200 (plastics) IP22, 24 VDC with a PLC and 4.3“ or 7“ colored touch-display or in a
bigger plastic cabinet, depending on No. of gas modules and further configurations
400 x400x200 (塑料) IP22, 24 VDC,安裝有 PLC 和 4.3“ 或 7“彩色觸屏顯示器或超大塑料機柜,取決于氣體模塊的編號和進一步配置
700x400x250 (stainless steel) IP22, 230 VAC with a PLC and 4.3“ or 7“ colored touch-display For indoor mounting in a safe and frost-free, non-corrosive ambient (+5 to + 40°C)
700x400x250 (不銹鋼) IP22, 230 VAC,安裝有 PLC 和 4.3 “ 或 7“彩色觸屏顯示器
室內安裝,用于安全、無霜的非腐蝕環境(+5 到 + 40°C)
· Connector for the analyzer, encapsulated solenoid valves, strong biogas pump, power
supply of the analyzer and the gas modules for two gas streams (can be expanded as an
· Analyzer GA-m/ GA-e, special gas modules of the hybrid-series
分析儀GA-m/ GA-e、混合系統的特殊氣體模塊
· Test gas connectivity for calibration of gas cells in the analyzer station
·hard- and software for gas sampling and flushing of gas cells after each sampling cycle
·data transmission: 4-20 mA, digital signals, Profibus DP, Modbus RTU, Ethernet Modbus
TCP/IP, GSM/ GPRS, Ethernet
數據傳輸:4-20 mA、數字信號、Profibus DP、Mod bus RTU、以太網Modbus
· External power supply box 230 VAC/24 VDC (for den plastic cabinet, which is powered for
safety with 24 V only – the stainless steel cabinet 700x400 has a separate connection room
230 VAC/ 24 VDC, so the analyzer compartment is powered with 24 V only too)
外部電源箱 230 VAC/24 VDC(用于 Den 塑料機柜,僅由 24 V 安全供電–不銹鋼機
柜 700x400 具有獨立的連接室230 VAC/ 24 VDC,因此分析儀室也僅由 24 V 供電)
· Automatic correction of all gas flows based on actual gas composition, calculation of dry
biogas flow at standard conditions according to DIN1343 (if biogas is not water damp
saturated a special humidity sensor can be used)
·automatic closing of all gas valves when the portable analyzer GA-m is taken out of the
· Definition of concentration limits, which shall lead to alarms
· Multi-lingual menus via touch-screen or buttom operation
· Implementation of room monitoring & control with a separate LEL sensor (option)
· Gas feed-back to the process pipe (option)
· Special components for outdoor installation: heating, cooling, cabinet-in-cabinet version for
desert/ sea climate (fully climatized and ventilated)
·Mounting on a rack
No. of gas sampling points 氣體采樣點的數量 | Standard: 2 (can be expanded up to 13) 標準:2 (可擴展為13)氣體采樣點的數量 |
No. of analog inputs 模擬輸入的數量 | Standard: 4, can be expanded 標準:4,可擴展 |
Size 尺寸 | 400 x 400 x 200 (standard plastic cabinet for 1 gas module and up to 6 sampling points, indoor installation, as an option bigger cabinets, 24 VDC with a separate power supply box 230 VAC/ 24 VDC (option) 400 x 400 x 200 (標準塑料柜,用于 1個氣體模塊和最多 6個采樣點,室內安裝,可選超大機柜,24 VDC,帶獨立 的電源箱230 VAC/ 24 VDC(可選) 700 x 400 x 250 (stainless steel cabinet for up to 6 sampling points, indoor installation, or in a bigger cabinet with integrated power supply 230 VAC/ 24 VDC 700 x 400 x 250 (不銹鋼機柜,用于最多 6個采樣點, 室內安裝,或集成有電源 230 VAC/ 24 VDC 的超大機柜 |
Installation place 安裝位置 | Indoors, room controlled and ventilated by separate means, +5 to + 40°C 室內,通過獨立設備進行控制和通風的室,+5 到 + 40°C Option: fully climatized and ventilated cabinet IP54 for outdoor installation, incl. internal LEL-control and alarm, special versions for sea and desert climate are available too 可選:*隨氣溫調節和通風的機柜 IP54,用于室外安裝, 包括內部 LEL 控制和警報,也可使用適用于海洋和沙漠氣候的特殊版本 |
Ambient temperature 環境溫度 | Option: with heater elements only up to – 25°C 可選:安裝有加熱器元件,– 25°C +5 to +40°C, rel. humidity < 80% rel., non-corrosive +5 到 +40°C,相對濕度< 80%,非腐蝕 |
Gas properties 氣體性能 | +5 to +40°C, 10 - 90% rel. humidity +5 到 +40°C, 10 - 90% 相對濕度 |
Protection class 防護等級 | IP22 |
Weight重量 | Basic version starts at 12 kg 基本型重 12 kg |
Energieverbrauch 能源消耗 | 50 W / h for the analysis cabinet ,Energy consumption with climate-controlled cabinet, depending on the design 50瓦/小時的分析柜,氣候控制柜能耗,根據設計 |
Data storage (option)) 數據存儲(可選) | On a USB-stick (daily, weekly or monthly file storage) U盤(每天、每周或每月文件存儲 |
Data transmission (option) 數據傳輸(可選) | 以太網/Ethernet Modbus TCP Modbus RTU (RS 485) Profibus DP Analog signal 4-20 mA (module with 4 signals each) 模擬信號 4-20 mA(每個模塊具有4種信號) Digital signals 數字信號 |
Telecommunication 通信 | Option: using a direct wire connection, a safe Internet- connection or GSM/GPRS 可選:使用直接接線,一個安全的互聯網連接或 GSM/GPRS |
Power of the gas pump 氣泵的功率 | 500 ml/min (during sampling) 500 ml/min(采樣期間) |
Gas pre-treatment 氣體預處理 | Gas cooling element 氣體冷卻元件 Fine filter 細濾器 Depending on the application, if necessary: 取決于應用,若有必要: Coalescence filter with housing for water, pressure controller, flaming arrestor 帶防止外殼的凝聚過濾器、壓力控制器、阻焰器 |
Size of pipe connection 管道連接件的尺寸 | standard: plastic hoses with ? 6 mm / ? 4 mm (1 mm wall thickness), option: all connections for stainless steel piping 標準:塑料軟管,? 6 mm / ? 4 mm (1 mm 壁厚),可選: 所有連接件用于不銹鋼管道 |
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