SIMOTICS XP 1MB0063 系列高效隔爆型全封閉、自扇冷三相異步電動機是西門子開發的一款全新產品。該系列產品傳承西門子百年的設計技術,結合數字化生產設備和現代制造工藝,采用優質的原材料以及經過嚴格質量檢測與控制的高品質零部件,具有安全可靠、靈活高效等特點,滿足油氣、化工、制藥等爆炸性氣體場所的應用要求。
SIMOTICS XP 1MB0063系列高效隔爆型全封閉、自扇冷三相異步 電動機是西門子開發的一款全新產品。該系列防爆電機*符合 IEC 60079-0:2017 / IEC 60079-1:2017以及GB 3836.1-2010 / GB 3836.2-2010等設計標準,防爆等級為 Ex d IIB T4 Gb且防爆性能 通過CQST認證。其效率達到IEC 60034-30 IE3高效等級要求,符合 GB 18613-2012能效等級二級。 該系列產品結合西門子傳承百年的設計技術,其生產設備采用* 的數控機床設備,基于西門子*的絕緣結構設計以及制造工藝, 采用優質的冷軋硅鋼片以及經過嚴格質量檢測與控制的高品質零部 件,具有性能優良,使用安全可靠,安裝靈活,維護方便,振動 小,噪音低等特點。 SIMOTICS XP 1MB0063系列高效隔爆型電動機可廣泛應用于石 油、化工及油氣等危險領域和場所。電機的設計使得電機內部的爆 炸不會波及外界環境,內部由爆炸產生的能量在被稱作“隔爆腔" 的空間內消散,使得這些能量不足以點燃外部的爆炸性環境。 SIMOTICS XP 1MB0063 series flameproof motors is Siemens newly designed totally enclosed fan cooling (TEFC) high efficiency motor. This series flameproof motor completely meet the standard of IEC 60079- 0:2017/IEC 60079-1:2017 and GB 3836.1-2010/GB 3836.2-2010. The type of protection for this motor is Ex d IIB T4 Gb. And its efficiency fulfill efficiency grade IE3 of IEC 60034-30, and also Grade 2 efficiency of GB 18613-2012. This motor inherits Siemens hundred years design technology, the production equipment of this series adopt advanced CNC machine tools, based on Siemens advanced insulation structure design and manufacturing process, use high quality cold-rolled silicon steel sheets and high quality parts with strict quality control. This series products have excellent performance, safe and reliable to use, simple and flexible installation, easy to maintain, low vibration, low noise. SIMOTICS XP 1MB0063 series high-efficiency flameproof motors can be widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, oil and gas and other hazardous areas and places.These motors are designed such that an explosion within the housing cannot result in an explosion in the environment. The energy that is generated internally by an explosion is dissipated in the so-called “flameproof enclosure" so far that the energy is no longer sufficient for ignition outside the casing.