serial magnetic liquid level controller is consisted of chamber, magnetic float, magnetic flag,and the transducer, alarm switch that the user chose.The chamber can serve as a part of vessel; it can be connected to the vessel by the upper flange and the down flange. By this way, the liquid level within the chamber is the same as that in the vessel. The signal of level can be showed by the change of flag's status caused by the magnetic float within the chamber. The transducer or alarm switch can function through the magnetic field caused by the magnetic float when the liquid level changes, they can produce a 4-20mA or relay output signal.
A transducer is consisted of resistance, reed switch and transducer module. The magnetic float’s position changes with the liquid level, which will make the reed switch change its status accordingly, and this change decides the resistance of the current circuit. When the transducer module gets the change of resistance, it will turn it into a 4-20mA current output signal.
The alarm switch is consisted of reed switch and magnet. The magnetic float’s position changes with the liquid level, which will make the reed switch change its status accordingly, and this change will
generate a relay signal. The relay signal generated by alarm switch can be hold.
The magnetic flag show the actual Iiquid level.When the float goes up with liquid level, the flag. will change from white to red; when the liquid level goes down, the flag will change to white. With no need of power supply, the magnetic liquid controller can show the level change of liquid.
Advantages 1. Simple structure, the user can see the liquid leveldirectly.
2. Reliable design, free of maintenance.
3. Work with no need of power supply.
4. No effect from the high temperature, flowing,flammable, and poisonous of liquid.
5. Can be used for the appliction of high temperature and high pressure.
6. Anticorrosive, can be used to measure most caustic liquid.
7. Suitable for measuring level of liquid with low specific gravity.