● 4極浪涌保護器
● 符合EN 61643-11的2類浪涌保護器
● 適用于TT和TN-S系列供電(230 V AC/400 V AC)
● 預接線裝置
● 工作狀態和故障信息指示
● 故障指示輸出
● DIN導軌安裝
Technical data
Device type type 2 (SPD) acc. to EN 61643-11
class II (SPD) acc. to IEC 61643-1
Suitable components protection module M-LB-1.275.M
protection module M-LB-1.NPE
Electrical specifications
Nominal voltage Un 230 V AC/ 400 V AC
Continuous voltage Uc 275 V AC (L-N)
255 V AC (N-PE)
Temporary overvoltage Ut 335 V/5 s (TOV withstand) (L-N)
1200 V/200 ms (TOV withstand) (N-PE)
Surge Current (8/20) In 20 kA
Max. surge current (8/20) Imax 40 kA