? 小巧便攜:提供一種小型便攜解決方案,無需電纜,非常適合筆記本電腦和平板電腦
? 快速設置:簡單的USB“即插即用"設備直接連接到PC
? 快速配置:允許通過T24工具包軟件進行快速配置
? 500米無線范圍:提供高達500米(1640英尺)的視線范圍
? 便攜式日志記錄:可通過T24LOG100記錄和可視化軟件進行快速便攜式記錄
Product Features & Benefits
? Compact & Portable: Provides a small, portable solution with no cables making it ideal for laptops and tablets
? Quick Setup:Simple USB ‘Plug and Measure’ device connects directly to a PC
? Fast Configuration:Allowing quick configuration via the T24 Toolkit software
? 500 m Wireless Range:Provides a line of sight range of up to 500 m (1640 ft)
? Portable Logging:Fast portable logging is available via the T24LOG100 logging and visualisation software