通信電纜 網絡設備 無線通信 云計算|大數據 顯示設備 存儲設備 網絡輔助設備 信號傳輸處理 多媒體設備 廣播系統 智慧城市管理系統 其它智慧基建產品
主要用于稀土制備、電子照明、晶體退火、生物陶瓷、電子陶瓷、特種合金、磁性材料、精密鑄造、金屬熱處理等行業進行真空燒結、氣氛保護燒結、真空鍍膜、CVD實驗、物質成分測量等場合 Product profile is mainly used in rare earth preparation, electronic lighting, crystal annealing, bioceramics, electronic ceramics, special alloys, magnetic materials, precision casting, metal heat treatment and other industries for vacuum sintering, atmosphere protection sintering, vacuum coating, CVD exp
The furnace is made of alumina polycrystalline fiber, with good insulation performance, durability, high efficiency and energy saving.
The heating element adopts high quality alloy wire 0Cr27Al7Mo2, durable, the highest temperature can reach 1200℃.
爐管尺寸 80*1000mm
加熱區尺寸 440mm
額定電壓 AC220V 50/60Hz
額定功率 5.4kw
爐體結構 雙層殼體結構,配有風冷系統,可使爐體表面快速降溫
溫控系統 溫度控制系統采用人工智能調節技術,具有PID調節、控制、自整定功能,并可編制30段升降溫程序。
控溫精度 控溫精度±3℃
顯示模式 LED數顯儀表
工作溫度 高溫度1200℃,連續工作溫度≤1100℃
升溫速度 推薦≤10℃/min,快升溫速度30℃/min
降溫速度 700℃以上≤10℃/min
加熱元件 合金絲0Cr27Al7Mo2
爐膛材質 氧化鋁多晶體纖維固化爐膛
爐管材質 石英管,長期1100度使用
測溫元件 N型熱電偶,正上方測溫
流量監測 浮子流量計 0.03L—0.3L/min
安全泄壓 采用日本進口SMC數顯壓力表
可充氣氛 氮氣,氧氣和氬氣及其它惰性氣體
操作安全 開門斷電、超溫報警、漏電保護功能
質量保證 質保期1年,相關耗材除外,如加熱元件易耗材等,終身保修
選購配件 爐架,計算機控制軟件等。
標準配置 防護手套1雙;坩堝鉗1把;剛玉舟1只;石英管1根;爐塞4個;爐勾1把;6號內六角(法蘭專用);法蘭1套;高壓氣管1套;高溫密封圈8個;產品說明書1份;儀表說明書1份;保修證書1份。
服務保障 質量:產品的制造和檢測嚴格按相關標準執行,并有質量記錄可查;每臺設備都有的制造編號,并建立用戶檔案。
爐管尺寸 80*1000mm 加熱區尺寸 440mm 額定電壓 AC220V 50/60Hz 額定功率 5.4kw 爐體結構 雙層殼體結構,配有風冷系統,可使爐體表面快速降溫 溫控系統 溫度控制系統采用人工智能調節技術,具有PID調節、控制、自整定功能,并可編制30段升降溫程序。 控溫精度 控溫精度±3℃ 顯示模式 LED數顯儀表 工作溫度 高溫度1200℃,連續工作溫度≤1100℃ 升溫速度 推薦≤10℃/min,快升溫速度30℃/min 降溫速度 700℃以上≤10℃/min 加熱元件 合金絲0Cr27Al7Mo2 環形加熱,溫場均勻,能耗低 爐膛材質 氧化鋁多晶體纖維固化爐膛 爐管材質 石英管,長期1100度使用 測溫元件 N型熱電偶,正上方測溫 流量監測 浮子流量計 0.03L—0.3L/min 安全泄壓 采用日本進口SMC數顯壓力表 配合電磁閥實現超壓自動泄壓功能 使設備使用更加安全 可充氣氛 氮氣,氧氣和氬氣及其它惰性氣體 操作安全 開門斷電、超溫報警、漏電保護功能 質量保證 質保期1年,相關耗材除外,如加熱元件易耗材等,終身保修 選購配件 爐架,計算機控制軟件等。 標準配置 防護手套1雙;坩堝鉗1把;剛玉舟1只;石英管1根;爐塞4個;爐勾1把;6號內六角(法蘭專用);法蘭1套;高壓氣管1套;高溫密封圈8個;產品說明書1份;儀表說明書1份;保修證書1份。 服務保障 質量:產品的制造和檢測嚴格按相關標準執行,并有質量記錄可查;每臺設備都有的制造編號,并建立用戶檔案。 交貨期:按合同約定執行;如客戶有特殊原因需提前交貨的,我公司可特別組織生產
Furnace tube size 80*1000mm
Heating area size 440mm
Rated voltage AC220V 50/60hz
Rated power: 5.4kw
The double shell structure of furnace body is equipped with air cooling system, which can make the surface of furnace body cool down quickly
Temperature control system the temperature control system adopts the artificial intelligence regulation technology, has the PID regulation, the control, the self-tuning function, and may compile the 30 section rise and drop temperature program.
Temperature control precision temperature control precision ±3℃
Display mode LE digital display instrument
Maximum operating temperature 1200℃, continuous operating temperature ≤1100℃
The recommended heating rate is ≤10℃/min, and the fastest heating rate is 30℃/min
Cooling speed above 700℃ ≤10℃/min
High quality alloy wire for heating elements 0Cr27Al7Mo2
Annular heating, uniform temperature field, low energy consumption
The furnace is made of high quality alumina polycrystal fiber solidified furnace
Furnace tube material quartz tube, long-term use of 1100 degrees
Temperature measuring element N thermocouple, temperature measuring directly above
Flow monitoring float flowmeter 0.03l-0.3l /min
The safety pressure relief adopts SMC digital pressure gauge imported from Japan
With the solenoid valve to achieve automatic pressure relief function
Make the equipment safer to use
It can be filled with atmosphere nitrogen, oxygen, argon and other inert gases
Operation safety door power off, overtemperature alarm, leakage protection function
The warranty period is 1 year, excluding related consumables, such as heating element consumables, lifetime warranty
Accessories rack, computer control software, etc.
One pair of standard protective gloves; 1 crucible tongs; 1 corundum boat; 1 quartz tube; 4 furnace plugs; Furnace hook 1; No. 6 hexagon socket (special for flange); Flange 1 set; 1 set of high-pressure air pipes; 8 high temperature sealing rings; 1 copy of product specification; 1 instrument manual; One copy of warranty certificate.
Service quality assurance: the manufacturing and testing of products shall be carried out in strict accordance with relevant standards, and quality records shall be available for inspection; Each device has a unique manufacturing number and a user profile.
Delivery time: according to the contract; If customers have special reasons to advance delivery, our company can specially organize production, and strive to meet the needs of users.
智慧城市網 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?