在過去的50多年,Conax在市場上有很好的美譽因為其高質量的壓力容器和真空容器壓縮密封配件。Conax公司及欣佰特(CNBEST Tech)知識淵博的、多學科的銷售和工程技術人員非常樂意能與不同客戶討論具有挑戰性的應用和解決方案。Conax的產品幾乎可以應用于所有垂直工業市場&**sh;&**sh;如發電、半導體、石油**、航空航天、**、汽車和**等。Hazardous Lo**ion (HL) Gland 危險區域**戈蘭,帶有UL及CSA認證。
High Pressure Seals Wire / Probe / Tube Seals 高壓力密封戈蘭用于導線、探針及導管密封
for instrument signal wires, electrical power electrodes, temperature probes and fluid or gas transfer tubing. High pressure seals are desig** for installation onto the pressure vessel wall using threaded or welded mounting configurations
Packing (PG) Glands Glands 包裹式探針及導管密封戈蘭for gas/liquid sealing on a single tube or probe (such as a thermocouple, RTD or thermistor probe) using Conax Technologies' "soft sealant" technology.
Midlock (MK) Glands
Innovative glands feature a stainless steel ferrule assembly that may be ope** and resealed. For sealing a single tube or probe.
Multi-Hole Metal (MHM) Glands 多孔密封貫穿件Glands for multiple tube or probe sealing that can be customized to accommodate special hole patterns, irregular shapes and higher density requirements for gradient thermocouples, RTDs or thermistor probes, tube bundles, etc.