壓力精度 環境溫度為18 至 28°C ±25 mbar / 0.35 psi ............................±0.10% F.S. ±70, 350 mbar / 1, 5 psi .......................±0.05% F.S. 700 bar / 10k psi ................ ±0.025% RDG + 0.015% F.S. 所有其他量程....................... ±0.025% RDG + 0.01% F.S. 真空............................................±0.025% F.S. F.S. (full scale) is the numerical value of the positive pressure range. Accuracy includes hysteresis, nonlinearity, repeatability and reference standard uncertainty, 1 Year typical long-term stability, operated inside the rated temperature span and pressure range. For optimal performance “zero" the unit for gauge/differential measurements or enter the reference pressure for absolute measurements.
壓力精度 環境溫度為0~50℃ ±25 mbar / 0.35 psi ............................±0.15% F.S. ±70, 350 mbar / 1, 5 psi .......................±0.10% F.S. 700 bar / 10k psi ................ ±0.025% RDG + 0.015% F.S. 所有其他量程........................ ±0.04% RDG + 0.01% F.S. 真空.............................................±0.05% F.S. F.S. (full scale) is the numerical value of the positive pressure range. Temperature effect -10 to 0°C / 14 to 32°F ±0.005% F.S./°C. Accuracy includes hysteresis, nonlinearity, repeatability and reference standard uncertainty, 1 Year typical long-term stability, operated inside the rated temperature span and pressure range. For optimal performance “zero" the unit for gauge/differential measurements or enter the reference pressure for absolute measurements.
電源供電 電源.........................................由校準儀主機供電 設備尺寸 (LxWxH) APM Mk.II ...................... XXxXXxXX mm / 3.0x1.8x3.0 in APM Mk.II重量(包括線纜) .......................XXX g / 13.1 oz APM Mk.II 發運尺寸 ............ XXXxXXXxXX mm/ 9.6x7.1x3.1 in APM Mk.II 發運重量............................. xx kg / xx oz
其余事項 相關認證: EN 61326 : 2006 & CISPR 11, Edition 5.0 - 2009 Class “B".
標準配置 •壓力模塊 •NPT 和BSP的轉接頭 •通訊電纜(已連接至模塊本體) •NIST可溯源校準證書(包含Bar, Pa 和 psi單位)
SPK-HPC-008 APM Mk.II 轉接至 T-960/T-970 手泵 System B SPK-HPC-008 APM Mk.II 轉接至 T-965/T-975 手泵 System C 包含在系統中 APM Mk.II 轉接至 T-620 / T-620H 手泵 System D SPK-HPC-004 APM Mk.II 轉接至 P016 & P017 手泵 System E SPK-HPC-004 APM Mk.II 轉接至 P014 手泵 System F 包含在系統中 APM Mk.II 轉接至 T-1 手泵