Measurement length: 100 mm. A DIGIMICRO system that achieves accuracy of 3 pm (at 20 °C)
Compatible counters: MFC-200 (head mounted) TC-200 (externally placed)
Compatible stands: MS-12C, MS-225, MS-32G, MS-41G
Measurement length: 50 mm. A DIGIMICRO system that achieves accuracy of 1 pm (at 20 °C)
Compatible counters: MFC-200 (head mounted), TC-200 (externally placed)
Compatible stands: MS-12C, MS-22S, MS-32G, MS-41G
Measurement length: 15 mm. A compact, high-precision DIGlMICRO system that achievesaccuracy of 0.7 um (20·C)
Compatible counters: TC-200 (externally placed)
Compatible stands: MS-51C

A compact single-axis counter exclusively for MF-1001 and MF-501
Equipped with display and resolution switching, direction switching, and display unit switching functions
Head-mounted type
Compatible with Mitutoyo Corporation measurement data input units (sold separately)
Compatible with MF-1001, MF-501, and MH-15M
A compact and high-precision counter that supports a minimum displayed value of 0.01
umOffers display and resolution switching, direction switching, and display unit switching functions
Externally placed type