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兔子脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)檢測試劑盒,規格:96T/48T,別名:兔子脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA試劑盒,兔子脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA Kit,英文名:Lp-PL-A2 ELISA Kit
兔子脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)檢測試劑盒的標準曲線zui高點OD值均在2.0±0.2,零孔的OD值都控制在0.10以下,ELISA試劑盒的標準曲線相關系數R≥0.98,ELISA試劑盒重復性好,板內、板間變異系數均<9 %。
ET(Mouse endotoxin) ELISA Kit 小鼠內毒素 Y19356 96T
GM-CSF Ab(Human anti-Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor antibody) ELISA Kit 人粒細胞巨噬細胞集落刺激因子抗體 Y19357 96T
ANP(Mouse Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit 小鼠心鈉肽 Y19358 96T
ENA-78/CXCL5 ELISA Kit 大鼠上皮中性粒細胞活化肽78 Y19359 96T
TTN(Human Anti-titin Antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗肌聯蛋白抗體 Y19360 96T
AT- III ELISA Kit 大鼠抗*Ⅲ抗體 Y19361 96T
PPAR- Gamma(Mouse Peroxisome Proliferator-activated receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit 小鼠過氧化物酶體增殖因子活化受體γ Y19362 96T
PsmAb(Human anti-presynaptic membrane antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗突觸前膜抗體 Y19363 96T
AT2R-Ab(Human Angiotensin II Receptor 2 antibody) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅱ受體2抗體 Y19364 96T
TSST-1(Mouse toxic shock syndrome toxin) ELISA Kit 小鼠毒性休克綜合征毒素1 Y19365 96T
NP-Y ELISA Kit 大鼠神經肽Y Y19366 96T
GHRP ELISA Kit 大鼠生長激素釋放多肽 Y19367 96T
CsA(Mouse Cyclosporine A) ELISA Kit 小鼠*A Y19368 96T
AT II R1(Human angiotension II receptor 1 Antibody) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅱ受體1抗體 Y19369 96T
C1INH(Mouse Complement 1 inhibitor autoantibody) ELISA Kit 小鼠補體1抑制物抗體 Y19370 96T
ANG- I R(Human angiotension I receptor Antibody) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅰ受體抗體 Y19371 96T
Gelsolin ELISA Kit 大鼠凝溶膠蛋白 Y19372 96T
PABA(Mouse para-aminobenzoic acid) ELISA Kit 小鼠對氨基苯甲酸 Y19373 96T
OVA sIgG(Human ovalbumin specific IgG) ELISA Kit 人卵清蛋白特異性IgG Y19374 96T
RANKL ELISA Kit 大鼠核因子κB受體活化因子配基 Y19375 96T
CAM-ab(Human anti-calmodulin specific antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗鈣調素特異抗體 Y19376 96T
TpP ELISA Kit 大鼠血栓前體蛋白 Y19377 96T
hs-CRP(Mouse high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit 小鼠超敏C反應蛋白 Y19378 96T
Beta2-GP1 IgA/G/M(Mouse Beta2-glycoprotein 1 antibody IgA/G/M) ELISA Kit 小鼠β2糖蛋白1抗體IgA/G/M Y19379 96T
INH-B ELISA Kit 大鼠抑制素B Y19380 96T
THAA(Human thyroid hormone autoantibodies) ELISA Kit 人甲狀腺非肽激素抗體 Y19381 96T
LAT(Mouse Linker for activation of T cell) ELISA Kit 小鼠T細胞活化連接蛋白 Y19382 96T
SCA(Human steroid producing cell autoantibody) ELISA Kit 人抗類固醇生成細胞抗體 Y19383 96T
ISR- Beta ELISA Kit 大鼠胰島素受體β Y19384 96T
GHbA1c ELISA Kit 大鼠糖化血紅蛋白A1c Y19385 96T
GS-ANA(Human granulocyte specific antinuclear antibody) ELISA Kit 人粒細胞特異性抗核抗體 Y19386 96T
EMAb(Mouse Endometrium Antibody) ELISA Kit 小鼠抗子宮內膜抗體 Y19387 96T
LDL-IC(Mouse LDL-IC) ELISA Kit 小鼠低密度脂蛋白免疫復合物 Y19388 96T
LFA-3/CD58 ELISA Kit 大鼠淋巴細胞功能相關抗原3 Y19389 96T
SRP(Human signal recognization particle antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗信號識別顆粒抗體 Y19390 96T
BA(Human Blocking antibody) ELISA Kit 人封閉抗體 Y19391 96T
UU-Ab(Mouse Ureaplasma urealyticum antibody) ELISA Kit 小鼠解脲脲原體抗體 Y19392 96T
sPECAM-1/sCD31 ELISA Kit 大鼠可溶性血小板內皮細胞粘附分子1 Y19393 96T
cmDNA(Human anti-cell membrane DNA antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗細胞膜DNA抗體 Y19394 96T
MHC III /AgB III /H-1 III ELISA Kit 大鼠主要組織相容性復合體Ⅲ類 Y19395 96T
GFAP(Mouse glial fibrillary acidic protein) ELISA Kit 小鼠神經膠質纖維酸性蛋白 Y19396 96T
ACAST-D IV (Human autoantibodies against the C-terminal domain IV ) ELISA Kit 人抗鈣蛋白酶抑素抗體 Y19397 96T
MHC II /AgB II /H-1 II ELISA Kit 大鼠主要組織相容性復合體Ⅱ類 Y19398 96T
pANCA(Mouse Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody) ELISA Kit 小鼠抗中性粒細胞核周抗體 Y19399 96T
BMP-7 ELISA Kit (Rabbit) 兔骨成型蛋白7 Y19400 96T
PI Ab-IgG/IgM(Mouse phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG/IgM) ELISA Kit 小鼠磷脂酰肌醇抗體IgG/IgM Y19401 96T
OVA sIgE(Human ovalbumin specific IgE) ELISA Kit 人卵清蛋白特異性IgE Y19402 96T
AFA/snoRNP/U3RNP(Human anti-fibrillarin antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗核仁纖維蛋白抗體 Y19403 96T
15-LO/LOX(Mouse 15-lipoxygenase) ELISA Kit 小鼠15脂加氧酶 Y19404 96T
HA ELISA Kit 大鼠透明質酸 Y19405 96T
SLE(Human systemic lupus erythematosus) ELISA Kit 人系統性紅斑狼瘡 Y19406 96T
Glp-1 ELISA Kit 大鼠胰高血糖素樣肽1 Y19407 96T
IFN- Beta/IFNB(Mouse Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit 小鼠β干擾素 Y19408 96T
Tn- I (Mouse Troponin I ) ELISA Kit 小鼠肌鈣蛋白Ⅰ Y19409 96T
CCK ELISA Kit 大鼠膽囊收縮素/腸促*肽 Y19410 96T
GM1(Human anti-ganglioside antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗*抗體 Y19411 96T
MAG Ab(Human anti-myelin associated glycoprotein antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗髓鞘相關糖蛋白抗體 Y19412 96T
BGP/Gehrelin ELISA Kit 大鼠腦腸肽 Y19413 96T
SAA(Mouse Serum amyloid A)ELISA Kit 小鼠血清淀粉樣蛋白A Y19414 96T
ACA(Mouse anti-centrol and centrosome antibody)ELISA Kit 小鼠抗中性粒/中心體抗體 Y19415 96T
ANGA(Human anti-neutrophil granules antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗中性粒細胞顆粒抗體 Y19416 96T
6-K-PG ELISA Kit 大鼠6酮前列腺素 Y19417 96T
ANA(Human anti-neutrophil antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗中性粒細胞抗體 Y19418 96T
apo-A1 ELISA Kit 大鼠載脂蛋白A1 Y19419 96T
Hpt/HP(Mouse Haptoglobin)ELISA Kit 小鼠結合珠蛋白/觸珠蛋白 Y19420 96T
apo-B100 ELISA Kit 大鼠載脂蛋白B100 Y19421 96T
16- Alpha OHE-1(Mouse 16- AlphaHydroxyestrogen 1)ELISA Kit Hpt/HP小鼠16α羥基雌酮1 Y19422 96T
Apo A1(Human anti-apolipoprotein A1 antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗載脂蛋白抗體A1 Y19423 96T
25(OH)D3/25 HVD3 ELISA Kit 大鼠25羥基*3 Y19424 96T
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