當前位置:研生elisa 銷售網點(上海研生實業有限公司)>>科研抗體>>蛋白質及多肽目錄>> Telomerase (TE)端粒酶(催化亞單位)(多肽抗原)
化合物與牛血清白蛋白RCA偶聯抗原 化合物與血藍蛋白KLH偶
omerase (TE)端粒酶(催化亞單位)(多肽抗原)
【 相關產品 】
RC-0233P omerase (TE) 端粒酶(催化亞單位)(多肽抗原)
A-01051 Anti-ADAM-TS1/METH1(a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with-thrombospodin type 1)
A-01052 Anti-ADAM-TS7 (A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 7)
A-01053 Anti-ADAM-TS7 (A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 7)
A-01054 Anti-ADAM-TS12(A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 12)
A-01055 Anti-Adducin protein
A-01056 Anti-ADFP/ADRP/adipophilin (adipose differentiation-related protein)
A-01057 Anti-AEV(Avian Encephalomyelitis virus)
A-01058 Anti-ADH/AVP(Antidiuretic Hormone;Arginine Vasopressin)
A-01059 Anti-Adipo R1 (adiponectin receptor 1)
A-01060 Anti-Adipo R2 (adiponectin receptor 2)
D0006 蛋白A/A蛋白/Protein A/SPA BR 2毫克 Amresco
D0007 膠原蛋白/膠原/膠原水解物/骨膠水解物/骨膠原水解物/去端肽膠原/Collagen I型,牛跟踺 1克 Amresco 9007-34-5
D0008 牛血清白蛋白/牛白蛋白/蛋白粉/BSA/Albumin(bovine serum) BR,98% 10克 Amresco 9048-46-8
D0008-1 牛血清白蛋白標準溶液/BSA/Albumin,bovine standard solution BR,0.5mg/ml 0.5毫升 Amresco 9048-46-8
D0009 牛血清白蛋白(第五組份)/牛白蛋白/蛋白粉/BSAV/Albumin(bovine fraction V) BR,98% 5克 Amresco 9048-46-8
D0010 雞蛋清白蛋白/卵清白蛋白/卵白蛋白/卵清蛋白/Albumin(egg white)/OVA 金標級,99%,可做金標抗體 1克 Amresco 9006-59-1
D0011 人血清白蛋白(組份五)/人血白蛋白/血清白蛋白/白蛋白/Albumin Human serum(Fraction V)/HAS BR,96-99% 500毫克 Amresco 70024-90-7
D0012 卵白素(雞蛋)/親和素/親合素/抗生物素蛋白/Avidin(chiken egg white) BR,95% 1毫克 Amresco 1405-69-2
D0013 鏈親和素/鏈酶親和素/鏈霉抗生物素蛋白/Streptavidin 生物技術級,17u/mg 1毫克 Amresco 9013-20-1
D0014 甲基白蛋白/甲基牛血清白蛋白/甲基化牛血清白蛋白/Methyl albumin BR 1克 Amresco
RC-0233P omerase (TE) 端粒酶(催化亞單位)(多肽抗原)
A-01041 Anti-Ack1
A-01042 Anti-ACTH (Adrenorticotrophin hormons 1-39)
A-01043 Anti-ACTH (Adrenorticotrophin hormons 18-39)
A-01044 Anti-ACTH (Adrenorticotrophin hormons 7-23)
A-01045 Anti-Actin α /α-SMA (Actin alpha , smooth muscle aorta)
A-01046 Anti-α-ACTN4(α-Actinin 4)
A-01047 Anti-F-Actin(filament actin)
A-01048 Anti-AD7C-NTP/NTP/AF (Neurual thread protein)
A-01049 Anti-AD7C-NTP/NTP/AF (Neurual thread protein)human
A-01050 Anti-AD7C-NTP/NTP/AF(Neurual thread protein)
omerase (TE) 端粒酶(催化亞單位)(多肽抗原)