
(一) gsm/csma無線固定臺接入終端功能及技術指標 一、功能 1 g網使用中國移動135、136、137、138、139或中國聯通130、131號碼卡、cdma:133號 2 精確計時、計費(補叫摘機開始計時); 3 有在線撥號音、忙音提示; 4 來電顯示功能,時鐘顯示功能,蜂巢小區定位功能; 5 帶反極性號,可接計費器或使用電腦計費器; 6 固定長途自動插入的主叫ip字冠,如17951、19711、193等;支持普通ip卡、全*撥號方式。 7 直接撥出免費特服號,如110、119、120等;可以自由設置計費、ip路由控制、特服號等;自動判斷本地用異地,及正確計費; 8 自動識別網內和網處、短途或長途的段; 二、主要技術指標 1 工作方式:gsm 900mhz(發射 980-915mhz,接收935-960mhz)/ gsm 1800mhz(發射 1710-17850mhz,接收1805mhz)雙頻,cdma:1800mhz 2 峰值功率:2w 3 功 耗:靜電≤25ma, 發射≤600ma 4 內部電壓:dc 12v /1.5a 5 環境溫度: 0度到40度 6 工作濕度:45%-90%(不結露條件下) 7 環境噪音:小于60bd (二) 無線接入固定臺的安裝 一、號碼卡的安裝 a 打開無線接入固定臺底蓋板; b 將號碼卡插入印刷電路板上的卡座上;扣緊卡座翻蓋: c 如果設備顯示屏顯示“03 00 04"表示號碼卡沒有安裝好,接觸不好,可調整卡座上的鋼片 二、的連接 取一條兩芯或四芯兩端帶水晶頭的線,一端接入普通機,另一端接入無線接入固定臺背面的插日中。 注意:帶水晶頭的線兩端均要插到位,并可聽到“咔噠"聲 三、外接天線連接 hxt-118移動無線接入固定臺使用外接天線。天線放在戶外。 四、電源連接 將無線接入固定臺的電源線插入到220v交流電源插座上即可。 (三) 操作使用 一、 a 提起手柄,聽到撥號音后開始撥號; b 撥號結束后按:“#",在zui后停止按鍵的車秒后,自動撥出 (四)主意事項 1 為減少射頻對人體的輻射影響,請保持設備用人體與外接天線的距離在10cm以上:請勿在交流電源不穩定的地方使用本設備 2 不能打天線直接固定在無線接入固定臺上,否則會有強烈的噪音產生 3 如發現有噪音,請移動天線到噪音較少的地方,或是延長線對減少噪音有一定的幫助; 4 本無線接入固定臺發射頻對某些電子設備可能會有影響;不要在禁止使用無線設備地區使用本機。 5 進入設置狀態的密碼只對代理商開放,其它用戶無權更改用進入設置狀態。] 6 本設備只適合于室內室溫環境使用,不得在溫度超過45度環境下使用。不能在陽光直射或高溫條件下使用。 請注意保持設備在通幾條件較好的環境下使用 7 如沒有必要,不要經常移動本設備,否則可能導致天線斷線,電源接角不良,ic卡接解不良等故障 8 如在使用過程中經常發現無信號,撥出忙音,無法打進,請檢查天線是否連接正常,天線是否有斷線,ic卡是否安裝用接觸正常 不要頻繁開關無線接入固定臺的電源,兩次開關的間隔時間要在30秒以上。 1, gsm/csma fixed wireless access terminals taiwan a functional and technical indicators, the use of functional 1g networks china 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 130 or china unicom, the 131 number cards, 2 cdma:133 of precision timing, before (fill planes started asking pick); there are three online dial tone, mangyin presentation; 4 cnd functions, the clock showed functions honeycomb small positioning function; 5 belt of the anti-polarity, then costing devices or computers costing devices; 6 fixed long-distance automatic in-sertion of the word winner domain ip, such as 17951, 19711, 193; general support ip cards, all quiet dial. 7 directly allocated free tefuhao, such as 110, 119, 120; free installation before, ip routing control, tefuhao; automatically determine local use of different phone, and the correct amounts; 8 automatic identification network and network offices, phones, long distance or short distance; second, the major technical indicators one approach : gsm 900mhz (launch 980-915mhz receive 935-960mhz) / gsm 1800mhz (launch 1710-17850mhz receive 1805mhz) dual band, cdma:1800mhz 2 peak power : 2w 3] took : electrostatic =25ma. =600ma fired four internal voltage : dc 12v /1.5a five environmental temperature : 0 degrees to 40 degrees six work humidity : 45%-90% (not jielu conditions) 7 environmental noise : less than 2 60bd, wireless access to the installation of a fixed taiwan, the installation a card numbers open wireless access fixed taiwan dege; b card numbers will be in-serted in the printed circuit board sign; matter drawn from current sign owner : c if equipment display shows "03 00 04" cards that no numbers installed, the contact is not good, the steel sheeting for two adjustable sign, a ephone link to the two core or four core ends of the ephone line with the first crystal, one access ordinary ephone, another taiwan-access fixed wireless access ephone in-serted behind japan and china. note : the first ephone line at a crystal have to be in-serted in place, and heard "ka clatter" of three, connecting external hard disks hxt-118 antenna fixed wireless access antenna taiwan use external hard disks. on the best outdoor antenna. 4, connecting the power station will be fixed wireless access to 220v power cord in-sertion, can exchange outlets. 3, operation 1, phoned a ephone initiate handle, waiting for the dial tone began to be; b by the end of dial-up : "#" in the final stop click car seconds after the phone automatically allocated four, one idea to reduce the matter to human rf radiation effects, please maintain equipment used with external hard disks human antenna in the distance 10cm above : no instability in the exchange of local use of the power equipment can not fight two fixed antenna directly in the fixed wireless access platform, or else there would be strong if there is the noise generated three noise, please antenna to less traffic noise, or the extension of ephone lines to reduce noise to a certain extent; 4 of the taiwan made rf fixed wireless access to certain electronic equipment may be affected; do not prohibit the use of wireless equipment in the aircraft area. 5 enter passwords only for the establishment of state agents open to other users by entering a state of change. ] 6 of the equipment is only suitable for use in indoor room temperature environment, no more than 45 degrees in temperature environments. not in direct sunlight or high temperature conditions. please note maintain equipment in several specialists better environment using 7 as unnecessary, not to regular movement of the equipment, or could lead to antennas broken string, the power to the bad kok, ic cards to help poor failures 8 as in the use of the process often find no signal, ephone allocate mangyin to access, please check whether the antenna connecting normal antennas have broken string, ic cards are installed with frequent switches to normal contacts fixed wireless access taiwan"s power supply, in the interval between the two switches over 30 seconds |