◆ 光纖部分
50/125um 或 62.5/125um,
傳輸距離 5Km@ 62.5/125um單模光纖,衰減(3dbm/km )
波長: 820nm
發射功率: -12dBm (Min) ~ -9dBm (Max)
接收靈敏度: -28dBm (Min)
鏈路預算: 16dBm
8/125um, 9/125um,
傳輸距離 40Km(實際如需更大距離需定制)
傳輸距離: 40KM@9/125um 單模光纖,衰減(0.35dbm/km )
波長: 1310nm
發射功率: -9dBm (Min) ~-8dBm (Max)
接收靈敏度: -27dBm (Min)
鏈路預算: 18dBm
◆ 音頻接口
信號電平: 0.5-4Vp-p
輸入/輸出阻抗: 600Ω(非平衡或平衡)
帶寬: 20Hz-20KHz
總諧波失真: <1%
音頻A/D: 24bit
連接端子: RCA
◆ 電器和機械特性
電壓: AC165V ~ 265V;DC –48V;DC +24V
功耗: ≤10W
獨立安裝尺寸: 445(長)*45(高)*202(深)
重量: 2.0kg
◆ 工作環境
工作溫度: -10℃ ~50℃
工作濕度: 5% ~ 95% (無凝露)
存儲溫度: -40 ℃~ 80℃
存儲濕度: 5%~ 95% (無凝露)
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.