豬生長激素釋放多肽(GHRP)ELISA試劑盒價格 說明書 服務
產品用途:科研 實驗
公司服務:豬ELISA試劑盒 免費代測
有 效 期:6個月
保 存:2-8℃
賬號:0341 5600 0400 2622 4
?When not in use, kit components should be stored refrSHBGrated or frozen as indicated on vials or bottles. All reagents should be warmed to room temperature before use. Lyophilized standards should be discarded after use.
?Once the desired number of strips has been removed, immediay reseal the bag to protect the remaining strips from edterioration.
?Cover or cap all reagents when not in use.
?Do not mis or interchange reagents between different lots.
?Do not use reagents beyond the expiration date of the kit .
?Use a clean disposable plastic pipette tip for each reagent, standard, or specimen addition in order to avoid cross-contamination, for the dispensing of H2SO4 and substrate solution, avoid pipettes with metal parts.
?Use a clean plastic container to prepare the washing solution.
?Thoroughly mix the reagents and samples before use by agitation or swirling.
?All residual washing liquid must be drained from the wells by efficient aspiration or by decantation followed by tapping the plate forcefully on absorbent paper. Never insert absorbent paper directly into the wells.
?The TMB solution is light sensitive. Avoid prolonged exposure to light, also, avoid contact of the TMB solution with metal to prevent colour development. Warning TMB is toxic avoid direct contact with hands. Dispose off properly. If a dark blue colour develops within a few minutes after preparation, this indicates that the TMB solution has been contaminated and must be discarede. Read absorbances within 1 hour after completion of the assay.
?When pipetting reagents, maintain a consistent order of addition from well-to-well. This will ensure equal incubation times for all wells.
?Respect incubation times described in the assay procedure.
人免疫球蛋白E(IgE)ELISA試劑盒human Immunoglobulin E,IgE ELISA KIT
人腎上腺皮質抗體(ACA)ELISA試劑盒Human adrenal cortex antibody,ACA ELISA KIT
人抗皮膚抗體(ASA)ELISA試劑盒Human Anti-Skin Antibody,ASA ELISA KIT
人抗骨骼肌抗體(ASA)ELISA試劑盒Human Anti-Somatic Muscle Antibody,ASA ELISA KIT
人甲狀腺抗體(TAb)ELISA試劑盒Human Thyroid Antibody,TAb ELISA KIT
人胰島細胞抗體(ICA)ELISA試劑盒Human islet cell antibody,ICA ELISA KIT
人抗唾液腺導管組織抗體(SDA)ELISA試劑盒Human salivary duct autoantibody,SDA ELISA KIT
人抗紡錘體抗體(MSA)ELISA試劑盒Human mitotic spindle apparatus antibody,MSA ELISA KIT
人抗角蛋白抗體(AKA)ELISA試劑盒Human Anti-keratin antibody,AKA ELISA KIT
上海恒遠生物現貨供應‘’ 豬生長激素釋放多肽(GHRP)ELISA試劑盒 ‘’,節日期間,如訂購此產品一盒的客戶,均可享受原價7折,訂購三盒以上的客戶,均可享受原價6折,量多*,還可獲得我司送出的精精美禮品,。