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等離子體胺氧化酶/PAOBR,17Tabor u/mg600Usigma 保存-20℃
中文名稱: 等離子體胺氧化酶
等離子體胺氧化酶英文名稱: PAO
其他英文名稱: Plasma Amine Oxidase
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產品規格: BR,17Tabor u/mg
包裝: 600U/3KU
來源:Bovine Plasma
Activity:17Tabor units/mg
活力定義:1 international unit oxidizes 1µmole of benzylamine per minute at 25℃, pH 7.2
產品描述:Bovine plasma amine oxidase has a molecular weight of 170 kDa and an optimum pH of 6.2 for spermine and 7.2 for spermidine. Amine oxidases are divided into two classes: the pyridoxal and copper containing enzyme to which plasma amine oxidase belongs, and the FAD-containing amino oxidases. Natural substrates include catecholamines, tryptamine derivatives and other physiologically active amines. Plasma amine oxidase is used in research requiring nitrogen group transfers. The molecule is composed of two identical polypeptide chains. There are two pyridoxal phosphates and two atoms of Cu+ per molecule. Bovine plasma amine oxidase is inhibited by copper chelating agents, many carboxyl reagents such as cuprizone, hydroxylamine and cyanide. Benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol are both non-competitive inhibitors (KI = 30 and 34mM respectively). The assay for determination of amine oxidases employed at Worthington is essentially that of Tabor et al., JBC, 208, 645, (1954) with the reaction temperature reduced to 25℃
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