目錄:東臺市港輝船舶設備有限公司>>消防員裝備>>船用救生系列>> 云南保溫救生服
穿著時間 Wearing time | <2mins |
存放溫度 Storage temperature | -30℃~+65℃ |
規格尺寸 Specification | L型:適合于身高1.75m以上者;S型:適合于身高不足1.75m者。 Type L:It is suitable for the person who is higher over 1.75m; Type S:It is suitable for the person who is lower than 1.75m;; |
進水性能 Waterproof performance | 穿著者在水中漂浮1小時,衣服內的進水量不大于200g。 The water-permeability amount is less than 200g after the wearer has floated on water for one hour. |
保溫特性 Thermo-insulation performance | 穿著者在0-2℃的靜水流中浸泡6小時,體溫降低不超過2℃。 After the wearer soaks in stationary water of 0-2℃ for 6 hours, the drop of the body-temperature is less than 2℃. |
浮力性能 Floating force performance | 穿著者能在5秒內翻至面部向上的位置,口鼻部露出水面120mm,在水中浸泡24小時,其浮力損失小于5%。 The wearer can turn over within 5S,so that his face is toward up and the nose and mouth portion is 120mm above the water level ,after the wearer soaks in water for 24hours,the floating force loss of the suit is less than 5%. |
公司不斷完善各項管理制度,并于2005年5月通過了CSQA ISO9001:2000質量管理體系認證。公司全體員工秉承“安全、可靠、優質、守約交付合同規定的產品,以技術求發展,以管理創效益,提高產品和服務質量,不斷滿足顧客的要求”的經營理念,更好地為船用消防、救生事業服務! | |