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2024年04月10日 09:31上海優邦達科技有限責任公司點擊量:118



Coal testing instruments generally refer to the laboratory instruments and equipment for testing the six major indicators of coal quality
. Six indicators: kcal, sulfur, moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon. Coal testing instrument is the general name of the equipment used for various indicators of coal testing, in which calorimeter and sulfur meter are the necessary experimental instruments and equipment for coal testing indicators. First, let's introduce how to carry out rapid maintenance and troubleshooting when one of the coal testing instruments, the full-automatic calorimeter, breaks down in use?煤炭檢測儀器一般是指用于檢測煤炭質量六大指標的實驗室儀器設備。六項指標:KCl、硫、水分、灰分、揮發物和固定碳。煤炭測試儀器是用于煤炭各項指標測試的設備的總稱,其中熱量計和硫計是煤炭測試指標所必需的實驗儀器和設備。首先,讓我們介紹一下當煤炭測試儀器之一全自動熱量計在使用中發生故障時,如何進行快速維護和故障排除?


One of the coal testing instruments, automatic calorimeter. Common problems and maintenance methods of calorimeter:

1. Air leakage of oxygen bomb: the rubber sealing ring is aged or worn. Replace the sealing ring at each part of the oxygen bomb.

2. Ignition failure: the circuit is disconnected or the contact is poor. Check whether the wiring is well connected, whether the oxygen warhead is in good contact with the ignition, and whether the inner cylinder of the oxygen bomb is properly placed. The sample is wet, the sample is splashed with oxygen too quickly, and the ignition wire or cotton thread is in poor contact with the sample. Reload the sample. If the two electrodes are too dirty, polish the electrodes with sandpaper. Ignite and oxidize, polish the ignited oxide with sandpaper, short circuit the two electrodes with the crucible (at this time, it is easy to burn the crucible and electrode), replace the electrode or crucible and reload the sample.

3. The sample does not burn, and the sample is not flammable: if the oxygen is insufficient or the oxygen pressure is insufficient, wrap the sample with lens wiping paper to extend the oxygen charging time, and replace the oxygen cylinder.

4. The humidity rises too high after ignition, and the calorific value is too high: the mixer does not rotate, the mixing shaft is stuck, and the line is blocked. When the mixing blade falls, insert a cotton thread into the nylon rod hole connected with the mixing shaft and re insert it.

5. If the test is not completed for a long time and the ambient temperature is too high, adjust the water temperature of the outer cylinder to be basically the same as the room temperature, or reduce the indoor temperature.

6. The full oxygen bomb leaks during oxygen charging, and the sealing ring is aged or worn during oxygen charging. Replace the sealing ring of the oxygenator. 













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