當前位置:上海邦景實業有限公司>>國家細胞>>細胞>> P815(肥大細胞瘤細胞)
上海博湖生物科技有限公司提供P815(肥大細胞瘤細胞) ATCC 細胞|細胞系|細胞株|腫瘤細胞|細胞|貼壁細胞|懸浮細胞|,細胞庫管理規范,提供的細胞株背景清楚,提供參考文獻和*培養條件
特點: 細胞來源可靠,狀態、活力、可傳代次數好,免費售后服務。通派生物細胞庫另提供各類優質耐藥株、熒光標記細胞、質粒構建等服務項目定制,來電優惠。
供 應 商:ATCC
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ERCC1人切除修復交叉互補基因1酶聯免疫 human excision repair cross-complementation group 1,ERCC1 ELISA
PC人羰基化蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Protein Carbonyl,PC ELISA
pIKBα人磷酸化核因子κB抑制蛋白α酶聯免疫 human phospho-inhibitory subunit of NF-κBα,pIKBα ELISA
Pax人樁蛋白酶聯免疫 Human paxillin,Pax ELISA
SBEM人小乳腺表皮粘蛋白酶聯免疫 Human small breast epithelial mucin,SBEM ELISA
LOC382344人類似60S核糖體蛋白L21酶聯免疫 human Mus musculus similar to 60S ribosomal protein L12,LOC382344 ELISA
ORM2人類粘蛋白2酶聯免疫 human orosomucoid 2,ORM2 ELISA
mxd1人MAX二聚化蛋白1酶聯免疫 human MAX dimerization protein 1,mxd1 ELISA
CLDN14人水閘蛋白14酶聯免疫 human claudin 14,CLDN14 ELISA
Lgals3人可溶性半乳糖苷結合凝集素3酶聯免疫 human lectin-galactose binding-soluble 3,Lgals3 ELISA
MVP人主要穹窿蛋白酶聯免疫 human major vault protein,MVP ELISA
UBD人泛素蛋白D酶聯免疫 human ubiquitin D,UBD ELISA
TLR2人toll樣受體2酶聯免疫 human toll-like receptor 2,TLR2 ELISA
HFE2人青少年2型血色素沉著癥/幼年型血色病相關蛋白2酶聯免疫 human hemochromatosis type 2/uvenile-uman homolog,HFE2 LISA Kit
FZD8人卷曲蛋白8酶聯免疫 human frizzled homolog 8,FZD8 ELISA
SNAI2人蝸牛同源物2酶聯免疫 human snail homolog 2,SNAI2 ELISA
GP-73人高爾基蛋白73酶聯免疫 Human golgi protein 73,GP-73 ELISA
TU3A人TU3A蛋白酶聯免疫 Human TU3A Protein ELISA
ETFB人電子轉移黃素蛋白β肽酶聯免疫 Human electron-transfer-flavoprotein beta polypeptide,ETFB ELISA
DPT人皮膚蛋白酶聯免疫 Human dermato-pontin,DPT ELISA
sp185/HER-2人可溶性蛋白185酶聯免疫 Human soluble protein 185,sp185/HER-2 ELISA
DAF人降解加速因子酶聯免疫 Human decay-accelerating factor,DAF ELISA
LAT人T細胞活化連接蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Linker for activation of T cell,LAT ELISA
SHC/SLP-76人SH2攜帶蛋白酶聯免疫 Human SH2-containing protein,SHC/SLP-76 ELISA
BLNK人B細胞連接蛋白酶聯免疫 Human B-Cell Linker Protein,BLNK ELISA
UreC人尿素酶相關蛋白C酶聯免疫 Human urease related protein C,UreC ELISA
APAF1人銜接蛋白酶活化因子1酶聯免疫 Human adaptor molecule apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1,APAF1 ELISA
Ank-B人錨蛋白B酶聯免疫 Human ankyrin B,Ank-B ELISA
LMP-1人潛伏膜蛋白1酶聯免疫 Human latent membrane protein-1,LMP-1 ELISA
RAG-2人重組激活基因2酶聯免疫 Human recombination activating gene 2,RAG-2 ELISA
RAG-1人重組激活基因1酶聯免疫 Human recombination activating gene 1,RAG-1 ELISA
NLR人NOD樣受體酶聯免疫 Human NOD-like receptor9,NLR ELISA
RLR人視黃酸誘導基因/RIG-1樣受體酶聯免疫 Human retinoic acid inducible gene/RIG-like receptor,RLR-9 ELISA
SRB/CD36人清道夫受體B酶聯免疫 Human scavenger receptor B,SRB ELISA
CecB人殺菌肽B酶聯免疫 Human cecropin B,CecB ELISA
Att人抗菌肽酶聯免疫 Human Attacin,Att ELISA
GNLY人顆粒溶素酶聯免疫 Human granulysin,GNLY ELISA
HTN5人富組蛋白酶聯免疫 Human histatin 5,HTN5 ELISA
ILTsR/LIR/CD85人免疫球蛋白樣轉錄體受體酶聯免疫 Human Ig-like transcripts Receptor,ILTsR ELISA
FHA人絲狀血球凝集素酶聯免疫 Human filamentous hemagglutinin,FHA ELISA
CVL人細胞絨毛蛋白/埃茲蛋白酶聯免疫 Human cytovillin/ezrin,CVL ELISA
CyPA人嗜環蛋白/親環素A酶聯免疫 Human cyclophilin A,CyPA ELISA
dystrophin人肌養蛋白酶聯免疫 Human dystrophin ELISA
Collectin人膠原凝集素酶聯免疫 Human Collectin ELISA
CPN10人伴侶蛋白10酶聯免疫 Human chaperonin 10,CPN10 ELISA
FMOD人纖調蛋白酶聯免疫 Human fibromodulin,FMOD ELISA
CRT人鈣網蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Calreticulin,CRT ELISA
omentin人網膜素酶聯免疫 Human omentin ELISA
MGP人基質γ羧基谷氨酸蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Matrix Gla Protein,MGP ELISA
MAT人基質裂解蛋白/基質溶素酶聯免疫 Human matrilysin,MAT ELISA
THP人螺旋肽酶聯免疫 Human triple-helical peptide,THP ELISA
HLAMP-2人溶酶體相關膜蛋白2酶聯免疫 Human human lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2,HLAMP-2 ELISA
HC gp-39人軟骨糖蛋白39酶聯免疫 Human Cartilage glycoprotein 39,HC gp-39 ELISA
OPAs人不透光相關蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Opacity-associated proteins,OPAs ELISA
flagellin人鞭毛蛋白酶聯免疫 Human flagellin ELISA
PHSA人多聚血清蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Poly Serium Antigen,PHSA ELISA
CIg人胞漿免疫球蛋白酶聯免疫 Human cytoplasmic immunoglobulin,CIg ELISA
fgl2人纖維介素蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Fibrinogen like peptide 2,fgl2 ELISA
Ub人泛素蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Ubiquitin,Ub ELISA
ORM人類粘蛋白酶聯免疫 Human orosomucoid,ORM ELISA
ELN人彈性蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Elastin,ELN ELISA
iNV人套膜蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Involucrin,iNV ELISA
TN-R人肌腱蛋白R酶聯免疫 Human tenascin-R,TN-R ELISA
GAP-43人生長相關蛋白43酶聯免疫 Human growth-associated protein 43,GAP-43 ELISA
CREB人cAMP反應元件結合蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Cyclic AMP response element binding protein,CREB ELISA
Agrin人聚集蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Agrin ELISA
AGRP人Agouti相關蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Agouti Related Protein,AGRP ELISA
MCP/CD46人膜輔蛋白酶聯免疫 Human membrane cofactor protein,MCP ELISA
EloA人延伸蛋白A酶聯免疫 Human elongin A,EloA ELISA
ASP人酰化刺激蛋白酶聯免疫 Human Acylation Stimulating Protein,ASP ELISA
BPI人殺菌性/通透性增加蛋白酶聯免疫 Human bactericidal/permeabilityincreasingprotein,BPI ELISA
MEPE人細胞外基質磷酸糖蛋白酶聯免疫 Human matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein,MEPE ELISA
RPA-70人復制蛋白A酶聯免疫 Human replication protein A,RPA-70 ELISA
COMP人軟骨寡聚基質蛋白酶聯免疫 Human cartilage oligomeric matrix protein,COMP ELISA
TAP人抗原提呈相關轉運蛋白/T細胞活化蛋白酶聯免疫 Human transporter associated with antigen processing,TAP ELISA