當前位置:北京北斗聯星科技有限公司>>GNSS/北斗天線>>北斗/GPS授時天線>> TW3372Tallysman導航
It features a patch element with 40% widerbandwidth than previously available in this format. Unlike its competitors, both GPS-L1 and GLONASS signals are included in the 1dB received power bandwidth. The TW3370/TW3372 has a three stage LowNoise Amplifier with a mid-section SAW. A tight pre-filter is available with the TW3372 to protect against saturation by high level sub-harmonics and L-Band signals making it particularly suitablefor timing applications. The TW3370/TW3372 has a 19mm (3/4 Inch) though hole, permanent mount white-metal base, with an industrial-grade, IP67 compliant conical radome. Two options for pole mountingare available an L-bracket (P/N#23-0040-0) or a pipe mount (P/N#23-0065-0