高檢測靈敏度: 可檢測到半個回形針大小的金屬,不會漏報和串報.
自我診斷: 內置自我診斷程序,開機自檢,出錯自動提示并能夠自動測量和顯示周圍環境的干擾情況。
飛物報警功能: 金屬物體從門中間拋過也會準確報警.
智能分辨: 能區分鐵磁質和非鐵磁質金屬物品.
低探測高度: 離地2CM以上的金屬物體進入檢測區域均可報警.
多區位報警功能: 人體不同位置的多個金屬通過安檢門時同時報警,并可以指示多個金屬的位置.
開機自診斷功能: 開機時對系統進行自檢,并顯示檢測結果.
多區域獨立探測: 18個獨立探測區域,18區位顯示,每個區域1000級靈敏度等級調節,為滿足客戶所探測不同的違禁物品,可根據實際使用情況預先設定金屬物品的可能部位及體積、重量、大小進行適當的靈敏度調節,排除皮帶扣、鑰匙、首飾、硬幣等物品的誤報,
模塊化組件設計: 運輸、維護方便快捷.
探測精度: 靈敏度在門正中間檢測到一根大頭針(或1/2)回形針,不會漏報和串報.可在排除皮帶扣、皮鞋、文胸等物品的
抗干擾設計: 根據周圍環境,開機自動設置頻率避開干擾,多臺門并排工作時相互靠攏,對探測性能也無明顯影響.
區位顯示: 產品分成18防區,18區位顯示可疑物能在每個區域準確顯示.
頻率設置: 可自動設11種頻率,不同頻率設定不同鈴聲,也可進行手動設頻,7000-8999Hz任意設置.
靈敏度調節: 靈敏度可以根據需要調整,共有1000級靈敏度.
統計人數: 雙側對射紅外可以準確檢測到通過人數和報警人數.
四側定位燈: 門體四側均帶有LED燈,能直觀地通過定位燈顯示違禁物品所在區域,視角可達360°.
聲光報警: 9款報警提示音可調,音量大小可調,報警時間長短可調.
面板顯示: 采用液晶(LCD)顯示,中文、英文菜單相互切換.
防震設計: 在刮風或人為晃動下不會誤報.
一鍵設置: 內置智能芯片,儲存多種場所推薦探測靈敏度設定值,方便用戶快速選擇。
門體材質: 外表采用PVC,與進口品牌材質*相同,美觀、大方、防火、防腐蝕、防潮和防撞,不變形.
遙控操作: 使用遙控器對參數進行設置,參數可以設密碼保護,非人員無法進行操作.
網絡連接: 預留通訊接口,可以與電腦、攝像頭、三軋輥等連接,監控、統計探測情況,調整安檢門參數.
安全保護: 符合國際安全標準,對心臟起博器佩帶者、孕婦、磁性介質等無害.
English description
CSD-A8000 ( LCD ) outdoor waterproof metal detection door
Performance introduction:
Outdoor waterproof security door, can be in the open air, without the need to build waterproof roof.
Using high brightness LCD panel display, alarm and by the number of times the adjustment of parameters, more luxurious and beautiful appearance;
English operation menu, intuitive operation, the set of operating parameters of easier, English using the interface is particularly suitable for foreign noble places. And through the remote controller for all parameters set;
The built-in smart chip, storage of a variety of sites detection sensitivity setting, including electronic factory, metal factory, cable factory, airport, stadium, recreation ground, out of convenience, making the adjustment more convenient, effective;
According to the basic structure of the metal detector door detection area is divided into 6 overlapping meshy exploration area. Using a single frequency excitation technology in detecting area formed a uniform vertical magnetic field density, strong penetrating power, high detection sensitivity, eliminating the detecting area of the" weak " and" blind area";
6 detection areas can be carried out 200 sensitivity adjustment, the highest sensitivity can detect the size of the metal of a pin. And according to the practical application condition preset sensitivity level, to exclude belt buckle, key, jewelry, coins and other items, detects the control tool, or other metal objects;
The use of advanced digital pulse technology, interactive transmitting and receiving, accurate judgement of metal goods area, and can intuitively through the four side post lamp display contraband area, angle is 360 degree.
The door on the bilateral two infrared scanning, quickly capturing the induction signal and automatically by the number of statistics, can eliminate body through due to induction lag caused by detecting errors, the reset speed, statistical number more accurately;
In response to a variety of environmental electromagnetic interference, the system adopts the world advanced electromagnetic compatibility design, and use the DSP processor of contraband items like signal correlation operation and filter, so that the complete set of equipment with strong electromagnetic interference resistance ability;
Multiple device adjacent work side by side, no mutual interference;
A leading global vibration resistance design: the door body shaking while can not alarm, other brand security doors ( including foreign) door once by the earthquake started to alarm, until the end of the shock;
Security door working parameters can be set freely ( with password protection after), adapt to various environment detection accuracy need;
With a variety of sound and light alarm, more easily identify, alarm time can be adjusted;
The door surface wear resistance, corrosion resistance, waterproof, moisture-proof and fire, and no deformation;
Through the reserved lightning protection communication interface with the remote computer, monitor, statistical detection;
You can use the camera to capture the alarm personnel selection, data can be remote communication;
Wear pacemakers, pregnant women, magnetic media such as harmless;
With the application environment of all international safety standards;
The first fully waterproof type security door, can be in the open air work;
High sensitivity: can detect the size of the metal clip;
Reliability and stability of products: after several generations, technology and reliable, stable;
The pursuit of "zero" false positives: use on the radio infrared effectively reduce false positives and false negatives, screening system can improve the validity of an alarm;
Personalized design: provide industry solutions, and in accordance with customer needs to be adjusted and design.
China - the world technical description of security guard
( a ) technical standard:
Electrical reference EN60950 safety standards.
Radiation according to EN50081-1 standards.
Anti interference according to EN50082-1 standards.
The EU CE certification is accepted certification in.
Strict enforcement of existing national standards through the metal detector.
( two) technical parameters:
External power: 90V - 250V 50 / 60Hz
Power: 35W
Work environment: - 20 DEG C to 45 DEG C.
Transport the whole weight of about 95kg:
Operating frequency: according to the installation of environmental self-regulation
Machine weight: About 90kg
Dimensions: ( mm ) 2220 ( high ) x 820 ( W) x 610 ( deep )
Channel size: ( mm ) 2000 ( high ) x 700 ( W) x 610 ( deep )