主營產品: 硫酸諾爾斯菌素,D-熒光素,雷帕霉素 |

主營產品: 硫酸諾爾斯菌素,D-熒光素,雷帕霉素 |
2018-4-7 閱讀(1637)
Alamar Blue(阿爾瑪藍,阿爾瑪蘭)是目前的細胞增殖和細胞毒性檢測試劑之一,以其低毒性安全,操作靈活簡單,靈敏度高,適用細胞范圍廣等優點被越來越多的科研工作者所認可。我司(懋康生物)已成功推出本熱度單品并被市場認可,現結合大家關心的問題,一 一列出,以作交流學習用。
阿爾瑪藍(Alamar Blue)是一種細胞活力檢測試劑,包含一種具細胞膜滲透性、無毒性且弱藍色熒光的指示劑,即刃天青(resazurin)。刃天青(resazurin)是一種氧化還原(REDOX)指示劑,根據細胞代謝還原情況發生顏色變化。氧化態的刃天青呈紫藍色且基本無熒光,其還原態產物試鹵靈(resorufin)轉變為粉紅色且?發熒光。
alamarBlue® protocol: Method to determine LD50 using alamarBlue
alamarBlue can be used to determine the median lethal dose LD50 value and similar assays testing the effects of a toxin, radiation, or pathogen against cell cultures.
Percentage difference in reduction (equation 5) | = | A LW - ( A HW x R O ) for test well A LW - ( A HW x R O ) for control well | x100
| |
Use semi-log graph paper to plot the percent of untreated control (using equation 5) for each dilution of a given test agent on the y-axis vs. the concentration of the test agent on the x-axis.
To determine the LD50 endpoint from the graph, read from where the 50 percent point intercepts the Dose.
Response Curve to the concentration along the x-axis. This concentration is the LD50 value.
產品名稱 | 產品編號 | 規格 | 價格(元) | 貨期 |
Alamar Blue 阿爾瑪藍細胞增殖及毒性檢測試劑 | MX3006-5ML | 5ml (500T) | 295 | 現貨 |
Alamar Blue 阿爾瑪藍細胞增殖及毒性檢測試劑 | MX3006-10ML | 10ml (1000T) | 550 | 現貨 |
Alamar Blue 阿爾瑪藍細胞增殖及毒性檢測試劑 | MX3006-50ML | 50ml (5000T) | 1925 | 現貨 |