技術說明:IC660ELB912 PC接口模塊 微型發電機子板
品牌 GE Fanuc 系列 天才輸入輸出 系列 PC接口模塊(PCIM) 制造商 GE Fanuc /艾默生自動化 零件號碼 IC660ELB912 零件號碼 IC660ELB912 系列 Genius I/O 產品說明 微型發電機子板 內存需求 16千字節 兼容PCIM卡 單槽PCIM(IC 660 elb 921);雙通道PCIM (IC660ELB922)。 單通道PCIM IC660ELB921 電流消耗 單通道PCIM為1.0安培;帶2個子板的雙通道PCIM為1.5安培 電源要求 5伏DC,400毫安 共用存儲器 16KB 雙通道PCIM IC660ELB922 內存需求 16K字節 通信協議 Genius協議 支持的設備數量 每個子卡30
IC660ELB912是一款Genius網絡接口卡。這個模塊是一個IBM PC接口模塊(PCIM)的子板。該卡安裝在單槽或雙槽PCIM模塊上,支持主機控制器的I/O控制器功能,允許通過Genius I/O網絡控制、監控和管理遠程I/O設備。PCIM卡上的子板以前由通用電氣發那科制造,現在隸屬艾默生自動化。IC660ELB912負責執行內務處理任務,例如位于同一Genius I/O網絡上的多達30個設備的初始化和故障管理。它維護受控設備的數據映像,并能夠通過發送和接收與I/O命令或全局數據無關的后臺消息,與同一網絡上的其他控制器交換數據。主PCIM設備提供一個狀態LED指示燈,以確定所連接子板的運行情況,特別是GENI正常和通信正常。它支持各種可配置的數據速率,如38.4K、76.8K、153.6K標準或153.6K擴展。如果兩(2)個子板連接到雙槽PCIM,并且每個子板連接到單獨的Genius I/O總線,則每個子板必須設置為與卡連接的波特率相同。此外,兩個子板可以連接到同一總線,因此每個子板必須配置相同的波特率。如果安裝了兩(2)個子板,單個子板需要16k字節的主機內存和32k字節的主機內存。
IC660ELB912微型GENI子板是GE Fanuc公司的網絡接口板。它屬于Genius I/O系列模塊和PLC組件。它具有向后兼容模塊、共享RAM和16 KB內存。這種微型GENI子板可與單槽或雙槽IBM PC接口模塊(PCIM)連接,需要一個5伏DC額定電源來提供邏輯電源。IC660ELB912微型GENI子板可以使用墊片和螺釘輕松安裝。它帶有兩個狀態指示LED,用于通知操作員設備的狀態,這些LED指示器是GENI正常LED和通信正常LED,分別顯示設備的操作和通信狀態。兩個發光二極管位于模塊面板上,顯示設備的操作和通信。
The IC660ELB912 Micro GENI daughterboard is a network interface board from GE Fanuc. It belongs to the Genius I/O series of modules and PLC components. It features backward-compatible blocks, shared RAM, and 16 KB of memory. This micro GENI daughterboard can be interfaced with single-slot or two slot IBM PC Interface Module (PCIM) and needs a 5 Volts DC rated power source to provide the logic power. The IC660ELB912 Micro GENI daughterboard can be easily mounted by using spacers and screws. It comes with 2 status indicating LEDs to inform the operators about the status of the device, and these LED indicators are the GENI OK LED and the COMMS OK LED which show the operation and communication status of the device, respectively. The 2 LEDs can be found on the faceplate of the module which shows the operation and communication of the device.
The IC660ELB912 Micro GENI network interface board is a general-purpose I/O controller that is specifically designed for the Genius I/O system. It provides fault detection facilities for up to 30 bus modules. All the communication signals from this module are buffered through the motherboard to the host bus. It also offers effective communication. The shared RAM of the module is optimized for use with IBM personal computers. This system memory stores buffered data, I/O data, and other information. It provides the facilities for users to use remote I/O. The IC660ELB912 Micro GENI daughterboard has a 6303 microprocessor for providing optimum message writing facilities and for delivering maximum memory capacity. This daughterboard comes with a DIP switch for configuration. During installation, make sure to allow a minimum of 1/8 of an inch of space between the modules to provide the required airflow for cooling.
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