CEIA金屬探測安檢門,多區顯示安全檢查門,CEIA啟亞多區顯示金屬探測安檢門,安全檢查門,門式金屬探測器,安檢門,CEIA安檢門,啟亞安檢門,門式安全檢查探測器,啟亞探測器,啟亞探測門, CEIA探測門,CEIA探測器,門式安檢機,
model:pmd2/enz 、pmd2/ewz(室外防水)
CEIA金屬探測安檢門,多區顯示安全檢查門,CEIA啟亞多區顯示金屬探測安檢門,安全檢查門,門式金屬探測器,安檢門,CEIA安檢門,啟亞安檢門,門式安全檢查探測器,啟亞探測器,啟亞探測門, CEIA探測門,CEIA探測器,門式安檢機,
Model:pmd2/enz 、pmd2/ewz(室外防水)
靈敏度:人工調節,超高靈敏度,能夠探測到很小的金屬物,例如一個回形針等。是機場和*等嚴格要求的場所使用,能在各種惡劣的環境使用,抗干擾能力強,高分辯率,通道:內高:2040mm,內寬:720mm或820mm,厚:210mm,電壓:220v ,50/60hz
locating the weapons detected in case of detection of a metallic mass, the pmd2 metal detector not only provides an acoustical and optical alarm,it also gives an illuminated "heigh on person" indication by means of one (pmd2/enz,pmd2/ewz)or two (pmd2/ptz)bar displays,which are built into the antenna of the metal detector. the special signal analysis system allows the zones in which the metal masses are detected to be displayed with great precision, the led signalling may be programmed to single mode , to display the predominant metal mass,or multiple mode ,for a location of all the ob-jects detected. this allows inspection procedures to be speeded up and consequently provides a significant increase in the rate of people passing through. |