當前位置:廣州健侖生物科技有限公司>>違禁品檢測系列>>試劑盒 測試紙 檢測卡 檢測試紙>> 廣州創侖新型違禁品非苯二氮卓類檢測試紙
BZO一步苯二氮卓類試紙是用于檢測尿中奧沙西泮(主要代謝物)的橫向流動色譜免疫分析,截留濃度為300 ng / mL。本測試將檢測其他苯二氮卓類藥物,請參閱本包裝說明書中的分析特異性表。
該測定僅提供初步的分析測試結果。必須使用更具體的替代化學方法才能獲得確認的分析結果。氣相色譜/質譜(GC / MS)是優選的確認方法。臨床考慮和專業判斷應適用于任何濫用藥物的濫用測試結果,特別是當使用初步的肯定結果時。
The BZO one-step benzodiazepine test strip is a lateral flow chromatography immunoassay for the determination of oxazepam in urine (the major metabolite) with a cut-off concentration of 300 ng / mL. This test will test other benzodiazepines, see Analytical Specificity Sheets in this package insert.
This assay provides only preliminary analytical test results. More specific alternative chemical methods must be used to obtain validated analytical results. Gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC / MS) is the preferred confirmation method. Clinical considerations and professional judgment should apply to any abusive drug abuse test results, especially when using preliminary positive results.
Benzodiazepines are often used in the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorder symptoms. They produce their effect through specific receptors involved in neurochemicals called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). As benzodiazepines are safer and more effective, they have replaced barbiturates in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia. Benzodiazepines are also used as sedatives before some surgical and medical procedures and for the treatment of epilepsy and alcohol withdrawal.
If you take benzodiazepines regularly (eg daily) for more than a few months, especially at higher than normal doses, the risk of physical dependence increases. Abrupt cessation of sleep disorders, stomach upset, feeling unwell, loss of appetite, sweating, trembling, weakness, anxiety and altered perceptions.
Only a small amount (less than 1%) of the benzodiazepines are excreted in the urine; most of the urine is bound to the drug. Benzodiazepines in the urine test period of 3-7 days.
BZO One-Step Benzodiazepine Dipstick is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without using an instrument. This test uses antibodies to selectively detect elevated levels of benzodiazepines in urine. When the urine benzodiazepines exceed the critical concentration, BZO one-step benzodiazepine test strips produce positive results.
Acetaminophen | Estrone-3-sulfate | Oxymetazoline |
Acetophenetidin | Ethyl-p-aminobenzoate | Papaverine |
N-Acetylprocainamide | Fenoprofen | Penicillin-G |
Acetylsalicylic acid | Furosemide | Pentazocine |
Aminopyrine | Gentisic acid | Pentobarbital |
Amitryptyline | Hemoglobin | Perphenazine |
Amobarbital | Hydralazine | Phencyclidine |
Amoxicillin | Hydrochlorothiazide | Phenelzine |
Ampicillin | Hydrocodone | Phenobarbital |
L-Ascorbic acid | Hydrocortisone | Phentermine |
D, L-Amphetamine sulfate | O-Hydroxyhippuric acid | Trans-2-phenylcyclo-propylamine hydrochloride |
Apomorphine | p-Hydroxyamphetamine | |
Aspartame | p-Hydroxy-methamphetamine | L-Phenylephrine |
Atropine | b-Phenylethylamine | |
Benzilic acid | 3-Hydroxytyramine | Phenylpropanolamine |
Benzoic acid | Ibuprofen | Prednisolone |
Benzoylecgonine | Imipramine | Prednisone |
Benzphetamine | Iproniazid | Procaine |
Bilirubin | (±) - Isoproterenol | Promazine |
(±) - Brompheniramine | Isoxsuprine | Promethazine |
Caffeine | Ketamine | D, L-Propranolol |
Cannabidiol | Ketoprofen | D-Propoxyphene |
Cannabinol | Labetalol | D-Pseudoephedrine |
Chloralhydrate | Loperamide | Quinacrine |
Chloramphenicol | Maprotiline | Quinidine |
Chlorothiazide | MDE | Quinine |
(±) - Chlorpheniramine | Meperidine | Ranitidine |
Chlorpromazine | Meprobamate | Salicylic acid |
Chlorquine | Methadone | Secobarbital |
Cholesterol | L-Methamphetamine | Serotonin |
Clomipramine | Methoxyphenamine | Sulfamethazine |
Clonidine | (±) - 3,4-Methylenedioxy-amphetamine | Sulindac |
Cocaethylene | Tetracycline | |
Cocaine | (±) - 3,4-Methylenedioxymeth- amphetamine | Tetrahydrocortisone, 3-acetate |
Codeine | ||
Cortisone | Morphine-3-b-D glucuronide | Tetrahydrocortisone 3- |
(-) Cotinine | Morphine Sulfate | |
Creatinine | Nalidixic acid | Tetrahydrozoline |
Deoxycorticosterone | Naloxone | Thiamine |
Dextromethorphan | Naltrexone | Thioridazine |
Diclofenac | Naproxen | D, L-Tyrosine |
Diflunisal | Niacinamide | Tolbutamide |
Digoxin | Nifedipine | Triamterene |
Diphenhydramine | Norcodein | Trifluoperazine |
Doxylamine | Norethindrone | Trimethoprim |
Ecgonine | D-Norpropoxyphene | Trimipramine |
Ecgonine methylester | Noscapine | Tryptamine |
(-) -Ψ-Ephedrine | D, L-Octopamine | D, L-Tryptophan |
[1R,2S] (-) Ephedrine | Oxalic acid | Tyramine |
(L) - Epinephrine | Oxolinic acid | Uric acid |
Erythromycin | Oxycodone | Verapamil |
b-Estradiol |
| Zomepirac |
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】 楊
【電子郵件】 aries@jianlun.com
【騰訊 】
【公司】 www.jianlun。。com
【營銷中心】 廣州清華科技園番禺區石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
截至2007年底我國現存艾滋病病毒感染者和病人約70萬,全人群感染率為0.05%,其中艾滋病病人8.5萬人,2007年新發艾滋病病毒感染者5萬,因艾滋病死亡2萬人,在5萬新發感染者中,異細菌細菌傳播占44.7%,男細菌細菌傳播占12.2%,注射吸毒傳播占42%,母嬰傳播占1.1%。雖然艾滋病教育在中國已逐步展開,但社會上普遍對艾滋病和感染者仍然認識不足和帶有歧視。艾滋病傳播途徑艾滋病傳染主要是通過細菌行為、體液的細菌流而傳播。體液主要有:細菌、血液、細菌分泌物、乳汁、腦脊液和有神經癥狀者的腦組織中。其他體液中,如眼淚、唾液和汗液,存在的數量很少,一般不會導致艾滋病的傳播。細菌細菌傳播艾滋病病毒可通過細菌細菌傳播。細菌器患有細菌病(如梅毒、淋病、尖銳濕疣)或潰瘍時,會增加感染病毒的危險。艾滋病病毒感染者的細菌或細菌分泌物中有大量的病毒,通過細菌細菌細菌,細菌細菌細菌,就會傳播病毒。口細菌傳播的機率比較小,除非健康一方口腔內有傷口,或者破裂的地方,艾滋病病毒就可能通過血液或者細菌傳染。一般來說,接受肛細菌的人被感染的可能非常大。因為細菌的內部結構比較薄弱,直腸的腸壁較細菌壁更容易破損,細菌里面的病毒就可能通過這些小傷口,進入未感染者體內繁殖。這就是為什么男同細菌戀比女同細菌戀者更加容易得艾滋病病毒的原因。 血液傳播輸血傳播:如果血液里有艾滋病病毒,輸入此血者將會被感染。血液制品傳播:有些病人(例如血友病)需要注射由血液中提起的某些成份制成的生物制品。 如果該制品含有艾滋病病毒,該病人就可能被感染。隨著*對艾滋病的認識逐漸加深,基本上所有的血液用品都必須經過艾滋病病毒的檢驗,所以在發達國家的血液制品中含有艾滋病病毒的可能細菌幾乎是零。 共用針具的傳播使用不潔針具可以使艾滋病毒從一個人傳到另一個人。例如:靜脈吸毒者共用針具;醫院里重復使用針具,吊針等。另外,使用被血液污染而又未經嚴格消毒的注射器、針灸針、拔牙工具,都是十分危險的。 母嬰傳播如果母親是艾滋病感染者,那么她很有可能會在懷孕、分娩過程或是通過母乳喂養使她的孩子受到感染。但是,如果母親在懷孕期間,服用有關抗艾滋病的藥品,嬰兒感染艾滋病病毒的可能就會降低很多,甚至*健康。有艾滋病病毒的母親不可以用自己母乳喂養孩子。
As of the end of 2007, there are about 700,000 HIV-infected and sick people in our country and the infection rate of the whole population is 0.05%, of which 85,000 are AIDS patients. In 2007, there were 50,000 new HIV-infected people, 20,000 people died of AIDS, Among the newly infected persons, 44.7% were bacteria spread by bacteria, 12.2% by male bacteria, 42% by injection and 1.1% by mother-to-child transmission. Although HIV / AIDS education has gradually started in China, there is still widespread lack of awareness and discrimination against AIDS and PLHIV in the community. AIDS transmission AIDS transmission is mainly through bacterial behavior, bacterial fluid flow and spread. Body fluids are mainly: bacteria, blood, bacterial secretions, milk, cerebrospinal fluid and neurological symptoms of brain tissue. Other bodily fluids, such as tears, saliva and sweat, are present in small quantities and generally do not cause the spread of AIDS. Bacterial bacterial transmission The AIDS virus can be transmitted by bacterial bacteria. Bacterial diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts or ulcers increase the risk of contracting a virus. A large number of viruses are present in the bacteria or bacterial secretions of people living with HIV and spread the virus through bacterial and bacterial bacteria. Oral bacterial transmission rate is relatively small, unless a healthy oral cavity wound or rupture, the AIDS virus may be transmitted through blood or bacteria. In general, people who receive anal bacteria may be infected with very large. Because the internal structure of bacteria is relatively weak, the wall of the rectum is more likely to be damaged than the bacterial wall, and the virus inside the bacteria may propagate through these small wounds into the uninfected. This is why men and women are more susceptible to HIV than bacteria and bacteria. Blood Transfusion Blood Transfusion: If there is HIV in the blood, this blood transfusion will be infected. Propagation of blood products: Some patients, such as hemophilia, require the injection of biological products made of certain ingredients raised in the bloodstream. If the product contains HIV, the patient may become infected. As AIDS awareness deepens in the world, and basically all blood products must be tested by HIV, the possible bacteria that contain HIV in blood products in developed countries are almost zero. Sharing Needle Use Unclear needles can pass HIV from one person to another. For example: intravenous drug users sharing needles; hospital repeated use of needles, hanging needles and so on. In addition, the use of blood contaminated but not strictly sterilized syringes, acupuncture needles, tooth extraction tools, are very dangerous. Mother-to-child transmission If the mother is HIV-positive, she is most likely infected with her child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. However, if mothers take anti-AIDS drugs during pregnancy, their chances of becoming infected with HIV are much lower, or even compley healthy. Mothers with HIV should never feed their children with their own breast milk.